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Three hours into the party, midnight.


I stumbled past people, half-filled plastic cup in hand. I've had five refills of whatever liquid this was.

"Have you seen Tanner?" I asked Michael, and he shook his head. He asked me something, but his words jumbled together in my mind.

I made my way to the kitchen, and stood in the doorway as Christian pulled her past me, and they walked up the stairs. I felt a pang of jealousy, or whatever it was in my chest, but I knew I shouldn't. I shouldn't feel bad about my best friend and her boyfriend, I shouldn't feel sick to my stomach every time they kiss.

I told myself I wouldn't be upset tonight, so I won't. I'll just drink a little more I guess, then maybe I won't be so upset.

An hour later I was sitting on a couch in the somewhat empty study room when the familiar blonde head of hair plopped herself next to me, laying her head on my shoulder.

"Where's your boyfriend?" I asked, sarcasm lacing my words. Tanner shrugged.

"He ditched me a while ago, I haven't seen him." she said.

"I'm so fucking wasted man..." I said, dragging my hand through my hair.

"Same, I feel shitty." she said.

"How come?" I asked.

"He's been looking for this 'Kennedy' chick all night, won't even tell me why. Do you think he's... cheating? Would he do that?" she said, hiccuping after.

"I don't know, he better not. I'll fight him." I said. she started giggling, and I rolled my eyes.

"I mean it Tan, you wanna know something?" I asked, leaning to the side so I could look her in the eyes. She looked half asleep and almost dead, but I probably looked a lot worse.

"I like you." I said, poking her nose. She wiggled it, and I sighed.

"Forget it." I said, leaning back and staring into the hallway. People were starting to leave, and I was thankful. It's late and I feel shitty and I just want to go home and cry in my bed.

"No..." she started, scooting closer to me.

"You like me?" she asked. I threw my hands in the air, dropping them back by my sides.

"I guess so!" I said dramatically, my eyes widening.

"That would make Christian upset you know." she said. I groaned loudly.

"I don't give a shit man."

I grabbed her face and shoved my lips to hers, kissing her roughly. It's not really how I pictured to do it ever since I started developing feelings for her. We're both drunk and upset, and I'll probably be the only one to remember.

I felt her flinch under my touch, but she didn't pull away as soon as I expected her to. I practically melted into it and it seemed the background music all but faded away. Her lips tasted like that straw-ber-ita drink. I loved it.

I pulled away. She didn't say anything as I just stared at her. The room was somewhat dark and about three other people occupied.

One hand resting on the side of her neck now, I pulled her back to me, kissing her again. This time she pushed me off of her, as though realization had hit and I felt immediately sober.

"Christian is my boyfriend, and you're my best friend and you shouldn't have done that" She said, as she hurried to get up. I scoffed at her.

"Go to hell Tanner."


The next morning I found my self laying sprawled out on a bed in one of Christian's guest rooms, with four people on the floor, a throbbing headache, and an empty cup in my hand.

I rolled over and sat on the edge of the bed, memories of last night coming back in blurry flashes. I sighed, rubbing my face with my hands.



wow I hate myself for this chapter

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