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finally after a year and a half and 35 chapters later...


"To Tanner." My dad said all posh-like, lifting up his drink in a toast. I laughed, as everyone lifted up their drink, even Andy lifted up her kid's sized drink.

"To new beginnings." Christian said softly, smiling at me in content. I wondered what he had meant, but decided to let it go.


After dinner and a movie, Carson and Michael had convinced my parents to let the five of us- now including Jack, to rent three hotel rooms for the night. Jack insisted that he get his own room, seeing as he'd 'rather not be cooped up in a room with a sappy couple'.

When we got to the room, I dropped my bag on the floor, jumping on the bed. I shoved my face into the fresh smelling pillows, sighing.

"I love hotels." I fake cried, and rolled over.

"Okay so they have an indoor pool, room service, and a work out room. This is a rad ass hotel." Christian said, completely ignoring my words.

"I say we go night swimming." I said, and reached for my bag to get my bathing suit out.

"Last one to the pool is a nematode!" I squealed, taking off to the bathroom.

Christian groaned, "Not again! What the hell even is a nematode?" he complained, but I didn't answer, only grinning in victory when I heard his bag zip open.

I quickly changed into my bikini, and waited in the bathroom until Christian told me he was done.

"SHIT!" I heard a deep voice yell, and I burst out laughing when I realized it was Michael, and he had most likely seen Christian naked.

"Jesus Christ you guys are such macaroni heads!" Christian whined.

"Boohoo, are you done yet?" I asked, and when I heard a grumble I exited the bathroom.

I grabbed two towels from the closet, tossing one to Christian on my way out the door. Jack, Carson and Michael were already waiting in the hallway. Michael was gagging as Carson laughed at him.

"Can we please just swim now?" Christian asked, rather annoyed now, and led the way to the elevator.

In the elevator, Michael's nose was scrunched up and he refused to even look at Christian while Jack tapped his foot nervously, hating elevators and even more so the fact that we were on the sixth floor.

"I'll definitely be taking advantage of that hot tub." Christian said. The elevator dinged, and the doors opened. The woman behind the desk raised her eyebrow at us as we scurried by, the tile floor cold against our bare feet.

Although it said no jumping, Michael took the chance to jump into the 8 ft. portion of the pool, and Carson and Jack did the same.

Christian walked over to the hot tub, and I watched in amusement as he stuck his toe in, measuring to see how hot it was before sticking his whole leg in, and his body followed soon after.

Jack beckoned me to jump in, so I set my towel down on one of the chairs, and tied my hair into a bun.

I jumped into the water, and it was surprisingly warm. I came back up, and was met with a bright smile.

"So how was your day?" Jack asked. I turned so I was floating on my back and he poked my stomach.

"It was really good. I feel all old now. Like I have responsibilities." I said, frowning.

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