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I woke up the next morning, sore, and desperately wanting to take an hour long bubble bath or scarf down some food.

I decided on the latter, and pried Christian's arm off of me. I climbed out of bed and picked my clothes up from the floor, putting them on, along with a pair of shorts so I could be at least somewhat presentable whilst eating breakfast along with others.

I dragged my feet down the hallway and too the elevator. Yawning, my eyes watered and I couldn't help but let my mind trace back to last night.

It was spontaneous, I'll admit. It was exactly how I pictured it'd be though. With Christian, and just simply magical.

But now I have a headache. And not a hung-over type of headache, more along the lines of my boyfriend isn't a very gentle person.

When I got to the café downstairs, I saw that Carson was already seated and eating breakfast at a booth. I grabbed a plate, putting a freshly baked muffin, some eggs and bacon onto it, and I walked over to where she was sitting.

She smiled at me when I sat down, and I didn't waste any time in starting on my food. Bless café's.

"So. Pretty busy night, huh?" Carson asked, and I choked on a piece of bacon.

"What the hell Carson? How can you tell?" I asked warily. She laughed, nodding at me.

"Well for starters you, my friend, have some pretty crazy sex-hair. And second, you two obviously aren't very keen on caring if other people are trying to sleep." she said, smiling sarcastically at me. I sighed, picking up my fork.

"You were protected though, weren't you? Because that's all I care about." she asked. I nodded. Christian brought some condoms- 'just in case', he told me.

"Did Michael hear anything?" I asked, hoping to God he didn't.

"Oh no, him and Jack were already passed out by the time they reached their rooms."

"Oh, okay well that's good." I said softly.

"So you got laid, how was it?" she asked, continuing on the topic. I groaned, there are people around us.

"Oh, speak of the devils." she said, and I turned to look at the entrance to the café, seeing a now fully clothed Christian, with Michael and Jack tagging along.

"Mikey, Jack, you guys look terrible." I laughed after they had gotten their food and sat down.

"Yeah, well I could say the same for you. Nice bed-head." Michael commented, and Carson let out a squeal, but I kicked her leg under the table. Jack looked at us confused, while Christian kept his head down, a shy, knowing smile on his lips.

"I need a few bottles of aspirin and then we can hang out."


Well shake it up baby, now..." Christian sang along, and I laughed as he twirled me around, pulling me back to him.

"Twist and shout-"

The music stopped, and we looked across the hotel room to see that Michael had turned the radio down.

"Hate to crash the party but Jack's not feeling well so we should probably take him home, and then head on home." Michael said, and I nodded in reply. He smiled at me, and shut the door once again.

"Sigh, I wish my room was as big as this hotel room. Then we could dance all the time." I said, sitting down at the edge of the bed so I could put on my tennis-shoes.

"Did you just say sigh?" Christian asked, chuckling as he did the same.

"Yes I did mister Akridge, is there a problem?" I smirked, standing up and beginning to straighten up the room as best as I could so the room-service wouldn't have as hard a job to do.

"You are such a weirdo."

I ignored Christian's comment, and shut the radio off. He grabbed both of our bags and followed me out into the hallway. I made a left and walked into Carson and Michael's room, which was straightened up like ours, but for Jack I could say otherwise...

"Okay, we might need someone to carry Jack out to the car." Carson said, and we all turned to look at Jack, who was sprawled out on the fluffy bed, snoring obnoxiously.

"Yeah I'd rather not get puke all over me. This is a new shirt." Christian was very quick to say.

"I'm not strong enough." Carson added.

"Yesterday was my birthday." I tried to find a reason.

Michael groaned, "Fine. Noodle heads." he grumbled, and walked over to wake Jack up. He ended up giving Jack a piggy-back and Carson carried her's and Michael's bags, while I carried Jack's.

"I really just want to take a nap." Christian groaned once we got to the car.

"I bet you do, didn't get enough sleep last night huh?" Carson said snarkily, and Christian's head shot up and he glared at her.

"You guys are annoying. I need some music." Michael said, turning up the radio, Out of My League by Fitz and the Tantrums playing.

I laughed at Michael who began jamming out, and looked over to Christian who I was squished by.

He was looking out the window, but then turned his head when he felt me looking at him I'm guessing. His lips quirked up into a small smile, and he whispered "I love you." before grabbing my hand and giving it a small squeeze. I rested my head on his shoulder, and sighed.

That was an eventful birthday.

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