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On a Saturday around noon, I woke up on top of the comforter dressed in one of Christian's hoodies and a pair of shorts, with the large tan boy spread out beside me.

It was the middle of October, and Texas was having one of its beautiful but chilly days.

Unfortunately, everyone's power cut out, so that means that the heat in every house is also currently down, making it seem colder than usual.

I wrapped my arm around Christian's torso, nuzzling my nose into his shoulder to embrace as much heat from him as I could.

He sighed, pulling me closer until I was practically laying on top of him,  our legs intertwined and his breathing slowed down.

"I feel like a part of my soul has loved you since the beginning of everything." he said, his morning voice hoarse.

"Maybe we're from the same star." he continued, and the room became quiet again. I laughed softly, and my hand traveled up to the back of his head, my fingers mindlessly played with the short hairs at the nape of his neck.

"Where do you come up with these things?" I asked, breaking the silence yet once again.

"I read it in a book, and all I could think about was you..." he trailed off, and I felt his hand cover mine, bringing it down and interlocking our fingers.

"All I ever think about is you, you, you..." he said, a light laugh escaped his lips.

I looked up at him, but his eyes were still closed. His hair was a ruffled mess and there were bags under his eyes, but he made it look wonderful somehow.

As if on cue , he opened them, his light eyes vaguely bloodshot from the lack of sleep. He has spent the past few nights worrying about a paper that was assigned, and I've helped him with as much of it as I could, but I can only do so much.

He smiled tiredly down at me, his beautiful eyes fluttering closed once again as his long eyelashes rested on his cheekbones.

"Let's do something today," I said, pulling away from him after a moment of laying there and say up. He crossed his arms over his chest, looking up at me with an expecting look.

"Okay. But first, I need a few gallons of coffee."


I sat across from Christian at the island in the middle of his kitchen. His parents already at work, and his sister at a friend's, the house is utterly quiet.

"So what did you have planned?" he asked, sipping from his second cup of coffee. I poured myself a cup of orange juice, because I absolutely can't stand coffee unless it's drowned out by cream and sugar.

"I don't know. I was thinking since you have your baseball game today we could go there, and the drive-in that just opened up downtown afterwards. How's that?" I asked, raising an eyebrow in question.

He thought for a second before nodding, standing up to wash out his mug in the sink.

"Okay, I can take you home to get ready or you can borrow some of my clothes, which you've been accustomed to so I figure the latter. The game starts in two hours, and you look a hot mess right now." he said, looking at me.

I scoffed, punching his arm playfully, "So do you mr. two hours of sleep every night!"

He shook his head, chuckling as he grabbed my waist, leaning forward to press a soft kiss to my forehead.

"You are an absolute macaroni head."


Since I had taken a shower the night before, I just went ahead and put my hair into a ponytail, slipped one of Christian's baseball caps over my head and the ponytail through the hole.

I racked through his clothes, and settled on his green Bibuta Surf tshirt-which is my favorite of his- and a pair of clean skinny jeans I had left over here a couple of days ago. It was chilly enough to wear jeans, but not chilly enough to wear a long sleeved shirt along with it.

I slipped on socks and my worn-out Sperry's, and laid back on Christian's bed.

I made myself comfortable for the time being that he takes a shower.

His pillows smelt faintly of his cologne, and his blankets were freshly washed. I laid there and enjoyed his scent and let myself drift off into thought about our upcoming day.

I was interrupted by my thoughts when his bedroom door opens and in walks Christian clad in nothing but his baseball pants.

"Oh, every girl's dream." I said mockingly and he tossed the jersey held in his hand at my face.

"You know you enjoy it though." He smirked, doing a little dance.

Since the first time I had seen him shirtless, and up until now he had worked hard to become more in shape, not that I wouldn't love him any other way but who can complain?

"So, you got a good feeling about this game?" I asked, making conversation.

He put his jersey over his head, his damp blonde hair ruffling from the action, and he winked at me.

"You know it baby."


Wow an actual light hearted chapter, I really missed writing cute little scenes of them.

I just now realized that I don't have a ship name for Tanner and Christian wow

Tanner Mancari and Christian Akridge aka most problematic faves

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