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very crappy and boring chapter I apologize in advance. xx


Andy and I were laying in the lawn, and the rest of the family floated around in the pool as we watched the fireworks in the sky.

My phone buzzed in my pocket, and I reluctantly pulled it out of my pocket to check the message. It was from Christian.

Crustacean💘: Sorry I couldn't be there to spend the day with you, tell Andy and Mike I said hi.

Crustacean💘: If you get lonely tonight just remember that we'll both fall asleep underneath the same sky

Me: did you really just quote 5sos ?

Crustacean💘: maybe, maybe not. just remember that I'll be home soon and don't go cheating on me lol, I know how those other guys are about you. I love you, see you then

I sighed heavily, setting my phone down on my stomach.

Christian went home to visit family in California, and he hasn't been home in a few days. I know for sure he'll be returning within the week though.

After the fireworks were over, we cleaned up all of the food that was on the table outside and brought it in, packing it away in the fridge for leftovers.

"I'm going to sleep, adios." I said to everyone, and went to my room.

I changed out of my clothes and into pajamas, brushed my teeth and went to sleep.


"Tanner! Tanner, Jacky's here. He said it's important."

I woke up to the sound of Andy whispering into my ear, and I groaned, checking the time.

What is so important that Jack needs to be here at 9 am?

I rubbed my eyes, yawning as I followed Andy downstairs. She trailed off to the kitchen.

I walked to the front door and opened it, seeing my tall best friend standing in front of me with puffy red eyes and a box of Skittles.

He extended the hand with the candy, and I noticed his hand shaking a little.

"I wanted to say I'm sorry. Not for what I did, but because I decided to do so at a bad time.-"

"Jack, please."

"No I have a whole speech prepared. I've waited so long to do that, and I realize how hard it must be on you. So if you want to tell Christian, then that's fine. I can see you'd rather have him in your life than me." he said, and smiled sadly at me when he was finished.

I grabbed the box of candy, slightly pulling him forward along with it, and I kissed him on the cheek.

"You're my best friend Jack Skellington. Let's just say we forget that it ever happened, yeah? It'll be easier on everyone." I smiled.

"As you wish." he said.

We both said our bye's and he walked back to his car, speeding away after. I looked down at the box of Skittles he gave me and laughed softly when I saw a message written on it.

-You'll always be the Buttercup to my Westley, nobody can ever take that away.

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