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I woke up to my alarm blaring in my ear. My eyes opened, and my gaze was met with a bare back and a familiar head of short blonde hair.

I sat up, my breathing beginning to quicken pace.

"Christian? Are you okay?" Tanner pondered, her morning voice almost as soft as her fingers touching my arm.

I flinched away, looking down. My arms were fine. My hands, also fine?

"When's the last time you've talked to Kian?" I asked, crawling out of bed and staring at her.

"Not since Michael's party, why? Is everything okay?" She asked, sitting up with a worried expression etched across her face.

I looked around the room, Tanner's prom dress hanging up on the back of her door, still in the plastic from the dry cleaners.

"Everything's fine. Just had a bad dream I guess." I said. I huffed out a sigh, and crawled back into bed.

It's just a dream. I told myself as I wrapped my arms around the love of my life. It felt so real, like I would have never been able to do this again.

"We can't stay in bed for long, we have to get ready for tonight." She said, and I nodded okay, closing my eyes.


I don't even classify this as a chapter but everyone was freaking out in the comments over the last one so i figured i'd give you an update

Sorry for the heart attacks & the short chapter

trying to find inspiration to write is hard when you're busy ((((:

Masterpiece | Christian AkridgeWhere stories live. Discover now