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9 years earlier, 2nd grade


"Your hair is bushy." I said to the boy standing in front of me.

"And your teeth are crooked." I continued. He sighed, looking around the lunch table.

"I just asked if I could sit here, not for you to be mean to me." he said, then took the empty seat anyway.

"Are you new or somethin?" I asked chirpily, bouncing in my seat. He nodded, opening up his lunchbox.

"You have gummy worms! Me too!" I smiled. "Let's be friends."

Present Day

Over us criticizing each other's appearance and obsessing over gummy worms together, Jack Dail and I developed the closest bond anyone could have.

He was my first kiss, and it was obviously awkward. We were in the fifth grade, and Jack had just recently got his braces. We both wanted to see what it was like since we saw all the older kids doing it, and it turned out to be one of the most terrible things I have experienced, I'm sure the same goes for him.

But now Jack has many girls lining up to date him, and he doesn't notice a single one of them. He's at a seemingly higher power than he notices at our school, he only really cares about our friendship.

Which is the sole reason why me including Christian in our lives makes him upset. It's new, and he's not used to me having another friend as close as we are, except a different kind of close.

I constantly hear Jack complaining about how much of a douchebag Christian is, and that I should rethink the option of dating him officially.

I can't say that if I were in Jack's shoes, that I wouldn't be upset, because I would be. It's just that it's taken me a while to find somebody I care for in that way.

Even though that somebody is the possessive, cocky, yet at the same time somehow sweet and caring, Christian Akridge.

I didn't notice how well known Christian had been at our school, until I had girls I had never met asking me what it was like to be his girlfriend. I told them I had no idea, and to kindly get the hell away.

In a matter of months, Christian had gone from acting shy around me, to overall reminding me that I am his only, which I'm not, technically.

"Baby girl." Is a name I have grown used to.

I have also grown used to the remarks made, people saying that I don't even care for Christian, that I am only using him. But what for? What does he have that I don't, or that I could possibly want except for him, himself?

I had all of these thoughts on a daily basis.

Sometimes when I'm sitting in the passenger seat, holding Christian's free hand while he's driving us places, with Kansas playing on his radio, all I can think of is how we got where we are so quickly.

My junior year so far has been the most stressful, yet eventful school year I have dealt with.

In two months we will be seniors and graduating, and I will be going off to college, along with Michael, most likely across the country, and I will be leaving the people I care most about behind.

It just doesn't get any easier, I think.

My phone buzzed rapidly, interrupting me from thought, and I saw Carson's face pop up on my screen.

"Yeah?" I answered quietly, biting my nails.

"What's up Tan?" she asked. I shrugged, even though she couldn't see me.

"You know, laying on my bed, thinking about my life choices." I said, my voice monotone.

"Sounds like you're having fun," she laughed. "Anyway, I want to take you out. You know, just some Tanner and Carson time." she said. I sighed, nodding my head.

"That sounds nice." I said.

"Okay then, meet me at the food court in the mall, I'm buying us pizza. Love ya."

"Love ya too, bye." and then she hung up. I rolled over, shoving my face in a pillow.

Hopefully this helps with the stress.

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