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"Hola!" I heard Christian yell as he entered the small coffee shop, making his way over to the booth me, Carson and Michael were sitting in.

I was greeted with a chaste kiss, and Michael faked a gag at us.

"I will never get tired of doing that." Christian smiled.

"I'm going to go get us some drinks, the usual for everyone?" He said, walking away.

"I can't believe school is so close." Carson groaned. Michael put his finger to her lips and shushed her, closing his eyes.

"What are you doing Mike?" I asked.

"If she doesn't talk about it, it won't happen." he said.

"Yes it will." she said, pushing him away.

Christian came back, giving us all our drinks. He wrapped his arm around me and rested it on my shoulder.

"So Mikey, since you're leaving for college and all, I say we throw a party." He said, raising his eyebrows suggestively.

"A party?"

"A party."


"Tanner these are my friends Joey, Ethan, Tyler, Troye, and Kian." Christian yelled over the loud music as he gulped something from a red plastic cup. I waved at the 5 boys and looked around for Jack. I invited him, but he has yet to show up.

We decided to have the party at Christian's house. It's big, not that ours isn't, my dad just wasn't up for letting us have a lot of people over.

"Have you seen Kennedy?" Christian asked me, pulling me to the side.

"Who?" I asked.

"Brown hair, about this tall?" he asked, gesturing in the air. I shrugged, shaking my head.

"No, why?"

"It's not important. I'll be back." he said, then ran off.

'Where Are Ü Now' blasted through his speakers in the living room as I made my way into the kitchen and sipped from my cup. The unknown drink tasted very good, but the after taste wasn't at all pleasant.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around, coming face to face with one of the boys I had been introduced to. He was oddly very attractive, and when he smiled at me I realized he had spoken.

"I'm Kian, Christian introduced us earlier." he said.

I smiled back, not knowing what to say exactly. Maybe we could make conversation and be friends, that is if Christian minds.

"So I heard this party is for Michael?" he asked, I nodded. "As in Mancari? Are you his sister?" he asked, and I nodded again.

"Cool. I remember when he was on the team with us last year, he's a pretty rad guy. Always was jealous of him after he started dating Carson Evans though. Everybody wanted her." he chuckled.

"So you're seeing Christian now, right?" he asked. "How long's it been?"

"A month next week. But in all reality we were pretty official around Christmas, so that makes it about 7 months." I replied.

"Interesting." Kian said, eyeing me carefully. "He's definitely... a lucky guy."

"Kian! There you are!" one of the other boys walked up to us, ruffling Kian's almost perfect quiff.

"Yes here I am. Also Tyler, did you know gay marriage was legalized everywhere today? That means you can finally get with Troye." he said. The boy who I now assumed was Tyler rolled his eyes and walked away.

I decided now was the best time to gulp down whatever this drink is and hope it makes me feel less uncomfortable.

Before I could even set the cup back down on the counter I was yanked over by someone and suddenly we were kissing.

I opened my eyes and saw a head of freshly cut blonde hair, and closed my eyes again, letting myself get lost in the kiss.

Christian pulled away, and I tried to catch my breath as he held me close, his hand resting at the small of my back.

"Watch out for Kian by the way, I should have told you that." he whispered. "Oh and your lips taste like that shitty straw-ber-ita crap. Stop drinking that or I won't kiss you again, capish?" he continued. I nodded, whimpering as he let go of me abruptly. He grabbed my hand and led me through the kitchen to the living room, glaring Kian down along the way.

So much for new friends.

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