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"So I applied for a job." Christian told me as we waited to pick up Andy from her dance company.

"Where at?" I asked, playing with his fingers mindlessly.

"Kennedy's parents opened up a new restaurant, and she said she could get me a job if I wanted it. Of course I need to earn some money, so I accepted." he said. I nodded my head, mumbling a 'cool'.

I saw Andy's class disperse from the building and the little girl with a bun that had blonde curls sticking up everywhere came running to the car.

"Hi sissy! Hi Chris!" she said, buckling herself into the seat.

"Hi baby, how was your day?" Christian asked, taking the words from my mouth.

"It was good! My class is having a recital and we started practicing today, it was so fun!"

"Oh is that so? What performance are you doing?" I asked as Christian began to pull out of the parking lot.

"The Swan Princess. They're having auditions for the princess and I want to try out but I need help practicing." she said.

"Okay, we can play some music and dance before dinner." I said, looking up at Christian.

"Wanna help her practice?"


"And one, and two, three, four..." Andy named off, doing different dance moves  as the radio played a barely recognizable song from the early 2000's.

"Didn't they give you a CD or something to practice to?" I asked, sitting down on the couch and setting my feet on Christian's lap, which he started to tickle.

"No, Miss Jenny said that dancing to random songs helps us better with our timing." she explained, doing a bad pirouette. 

Another song came on, and I smile slightly when I realized it was I'll Be Your Man by James Blunt.

"Wanna dance?" Christian asked, looking at me with hopeful eyes.

"You can't dance." I laughed.

"I said I don't, not that I can't." he smiled, pushing my feet off of his lap and standing up, pulling me along with him.

He grabbed my right hand and wrapped my left arm around his neck, and brought his hand down to my waist. We both started to move to the music while Andy danced close by.

"Slide over here let your hands feel the way-"

"Oh god not the singing."

"There's no better method to communicate"

"Christian please."

"Girl stop your talking words just get in the way, I'll be your man"

I rolled my eyes, eventually giving up as he spun me around and brought me back, dipping me down.

I laughed as he kissed me on the nose, scrunching it up as he did so.

"You are so unbelievably cute." he chuckled.

"And you are so unbelievably dorky. Now bring me back up dude."


"Is Christian over there?" Jack asked through the phone as I flipped through the tv channels in my room.

"Nah, he left earlier after we helped Andy with her dance, he has to go see if he got a job at Kennedy's parent's restaurant." I said.

"Woah, they opened a restaurant? So they're planting the seeds of evil I see." he joked. I blew a raspberry at him but he kept laughing.

"Okay if it bothers you so much why don't you apply to keep an eye on him?" he asked. I sat up, squinting my eyes.

"Only if you do too." I said.

"Okie dokie, we can just say that we need to earn money because I kinda really do, I got a dent in my car and my mom's gonna kill me if she finds it." he said.

"Okay, but this was your idea, so all credit to weirdness goes to you." I said.

"Okay whatever, I'm not the one dating a boy I can barely trust." he said.

I scoffed, "Whatever, you wanna stay the night?"

"Yeah sure, I'll be over in a bit. And tell Andy to keep that devil Meeko away from me."

"Okay, adios West."

"See you then Buttercup."

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