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At our graduation, Jack, aka our Valedictorian, had to make a speech. It was short and sweet.

"These past four years have honestly been a rollercoaster. Hell, the past 12 years of this has been torture. I've met many amazing people along the way, whom I love and appreciate and would give my everything to. They know who they are.

I could not have asked for better classmates, teachers - Mr. Ackles you're the best my dude - and staff members. I wouldn't be where I am standing up here today if it weren't for them, and my best friends.

This is the day we start our lives, and by God I'm ready to leave."

Everyone clapped and cheered in agreement with his speech as he left the stage.

A few rows in front of me, Christian sat. He turned around, and smiled at me. My heart dropped.

It's crazy how the person you love will always have that affect on you.

After we exited as the class of 2016, Jack, Christian, and I went out to dinner. A treat from our parents.

Once the dinner was over, Christian and I headed to a hotel, where we had a room rented for the night. Being 18 has its perks.

I looked out over the balcony at the gulf of water that was beckoning me to swim.

I felt hands wrap around my waist, and Christian's soft lips pressed to the back of my neck.

"Start our lives. It's crazy, isn't it?" he asked. I nodded in agreement.

"Well in that case. I want to be crazy forever. I had this whole thing planned out, but right now feels like the right time with everything happening."

My breathed hitched in my throat as I looked to the side and saw him on one knee.

"Christian you're shitting me right now."

He just laughed beautifully in response, and my eyes began to tear up. I'm so in love.

"I'm so madly in love with you. I knew from that day I met you in the art museum that you were one that I needed to get. And by the grace of God I got you and I want to keep you forever. Our love was made for movie screens. So will you be the lead role in mine and marry me?"

I didn't hesitate one second before nodding yes as he jumped up and embraced me, kissing me. I tasted salty tears that were running down his face too.

"You're so unbelievable. Doesn't the thought scare you?" I asked as he slowly put the ring on my shaky hand.

"The things I would do for you. That scares me the most."


can't believe thats the end omg

no lie im kinda tearing up. I invested so much of myself into this story and reading all of yalls comments and how it affected you really makes me the happiest person.

i'm so glad i actually went with the idea when it popped in my head, and continued with it even though i came to a lot of roadblocks with what to write.

i usually write a lil message at the end of my books so i just wanted to say thank you guys for everything (: ily

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