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Poppy has been nicer to me the more we work together

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Poppy has been nicer to me the more we work together. I think she just wants to prove to her family she can be a vet.

It's Sunday and I'm a little nervous about eating with her family even though they have all been nice.

My parents are coming over in a little bit. Of course, Owen wasn't coming because he's in training and just can't get away.

I walk outside with Romeo and see some of Poppy's aunts decorating outside under the huge tent.

I decided to go check on the colt and when I walked into the stable Poppy was standing there.

"I think we had the same idea," I said.

"Looks like it." She smiled scratching Romeo on top of his head.

"How is Peanut?" I asked.

"He is doing great. He's beautiful already." She said.

"I thought I would check before the get together," I said.

"I must warn you Luke my family is loud and crazy." She laughed.

"I hope my mom isn't too embarrassing when she meets your mom." I chuckled.

"She will be fine." She said.

"My mom informed me that you are coming out with a makeup line?" I asked.

"Umm well sorta. Just lashes and lip gloss. Mom wanted me to have something of my own." She shrugged.

"You don't sound too thrilled about it," I said.

"Well, it's not that it's just not my thing and mom is so excited that I couldn't say no." She said.

A little while later my parents pulled up and I went out to meet them and bring them over to the tent.

Worth stood up when we walked over to shake my dad's hand. "Dad this is Worth Maverick, my boss. Worth this is my dad Ron and my mom Daisy." I said.

They were talking and when my mom saw Holland she gasps. "This is who you really want to meet." Worth laughed putting his arm around Holland.

"Holland this is my mom Daisy your biggest fan." I laughed.

Holland hugged mom. "It's so nice to meet you, Daisy. You have a wonderful son." She said.

I stepped back to let them talk and went over and sit beside Chad."

"You look like your dad," Chad said.

"Yeah, I get told that a lot." I smiled.

"Where is the football star?" Chad asked.

"Owen couldn't get time off. All he does is practice it seems."

"Think you could get us some tickets?" Chad asked.

"Yeah probably so. I'll let you know." I said as Poppy walked over and sit down beside me.

"How did it go?" She asked.

"Well, my mom seems pretty calm so I'm saying it is going ok." I laugh.

A little while later my mom walks over and I introduce her to Poppy. "It's nice to meet you, Mrs. Bale." She said.

"Just call me Daisy." Mom said.

When dad walked up and sit down beside mom I introduced Poppy to dad.

"I've heard a lot about you young lady. Congrats on graduating to be a vet. My son says you helped him deliver a few animals." He said.

"I did and it was nice to be a part of it. That's all I've ever wanted to be." She said.

"You sound like Luke." Dad laughed.

"Oh, Ron we knew when Luke was two and the way he carried his toy giraffes around he would grow up to be a vet." Mom said.

I felt a little embarrassed. As more people came out Holland begins to introduce my parents and I'm happy she did because there are too many family members around here.

"Do you want to go over to the kid's table?" Poppy whispered to me.

"The kid's table?" I asked.

"Yeah, that's where me and Damon and Brennon used to always sit. I bet if we did those two would join." She laughed.

"Let's go!" I smiled over at her and looked for Romeo and he was playing with Derrick.

We went over to the table and sit down and it wasn't long until Damon and Brennon joined us.

"Why are we at the kid's table again?" Damon asked.

"It was our choice. Too many grown-ups talking. You guys don't have to sit with us." Poppy said.

"Nah it's much cooler over here." Brennon laughed.

Romeo ran over and Poppy scratched his ears and he was eating it up.

"Is that your dog?" Brennon asked.

"Yeah, this is Romeo, and he's a big help herding up the sheep," I said.

"Oh, Romeo is a rockstar. Aren't you Romeo?" Poppy said baby-talking Romeo and he loved it.

When she looked at me and smiled my insides fluttered and I need to stop looking at her that way. I need this job. No, I love this job and I can't jeopardize it.

Daniel walked over. "Is this where all the cool kids sit?" He laughed.

"Sure grandpa do you want want to sit with us?" Poppy asked him.

"No just wanted to make sure no one felt left out or anything." Daniel said.

"Oh, grandpa! That's sweet but we chose to sit here," Poppy giggled.

"Who is this handsome guy?" He asked.

"That's my dog, Romeo." I smiled.

"Oh, he's handsome," Daniel said scratching his head.

Once the food was brought out by Clara and Nancy we all dug in and I must say that woman can cook. I look forward to food nowadays.

Once we finished eating Damon and Brennon wanted to play some football but I didn't want to play I thought maybe I should go check on the animals.

I excused myself and Romeo stayed with Daniel. By the time I got down to the stable, there was another heifer in labor.

I grabbed my phone and texted Poppy.

📱 Hey, another heifer is in labor down at the stables.

📱 I'll be right there!

I checked the heifer to make sure that she was ok when Poppy walked in.

"I wanted you to know but if you want to go back up and eat with your family I can handle it," I said.

"No Luke this is where I want to be." She said.

" She said

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