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I'm in shock

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I'm in shock. I can't believe I'm going to be a dad.

Poppy is asleep in my arms and Romeo is at the bottom of the bed asleep as well.

I really need to sleep we have to get up early and check on the animals.

I close my eyes and all I can picture is a cute little kid running around here.

When the alarm goes off we get up and get dressed and head up to the stable.

"Are you feeling ok?" I ask.

"Yeah, I'm good. Once we get done I'll call the dr." She said as we grabbed containers of feed and made our rounds.

A little while later we head to the main house for breakfast.

"Poppy, are you feeling ok?" Mom asked.

"Yeah, I think I ate too much." She laughed.

We sit down and had sausage biscuits with eggs before going down to check on the sheep and then gather up apples in the orchard and feed the horses.

Once we were done we headed back to the house and Poppy made the call.

"So Dr. Terry said he could see me today at 2 pm."

"Oh, that's great. You want me to go right?" I ask.

"Of course Luke. Let's go take a shower and get that over with." She said.

We showered but I was good and didn't mess with her bits because I know she is nervous.

Once out of the shower I get dressed and go out and sit on the porch while she continues to get ready.

By the time it was time to leave we were both nervous. "Will you drive me, Luke?" She asked.

"Of course I will," I said taking the keys from her.

We didn't tell anyone where we were going because we were trying to keep it to ourselves.

We walk into the doctor's office and there are pregnant women everywhere. I can't help but look.

Once called back we wait in a room until the doctor walks in.

"Hi, Poppy it's good to see you! What brings you in?" He asked.

"Well last night I had a revelation that I haven't had a period in a while and well we are newlyweds." She laughs.

"I understand." He laughs.

"So I took a home pregnancy test and it was positive and well I wanted to come in."

"I'm glad you did. We will draw some blood and go from there. The nurse will be right in." He said walking out.

It wasn't long until a nurse walked in and drew some blood from her and then left the room.

"I guess it's about to be confirmed huh?" I said.

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