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As it got later the Ewe's nor the mare were making much movement

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As it got later the Ewe's nor the mare were making much movement. I yawned and rested the back of my head on the hay.

"Did you want to go up there and lay on the mattress?" He asked.

"Not yet I mean I guess we need to watch them for a while," I said.

"Alright let's just rest our eyes down here." He shrugged.

Next thing I know I'm jolted awake by Hart. "What the fuck Poppy?"

"What's going on?." I said.

"That's what I would like to know and who's this guy?" He asked.

"If you came home every now and then you would have already met Luke the other vet on the farm asshole."

"That's no way to talk to your brother." He scoffed.

"Just get out you are upsetting the animals," I said getting to my feet.

"I don't have to do shit." He said.

Luke walked over. "She's right man they are in active labor that's why we are out there and must have fallen asleep but I need you to lower your voice or get out."

Hart threw his hands up. "Fine, I'm out fuck you."

Once he shut the stable door I looked over at Luke. "I'm sorry for my asshole of a brother."

"Hey, it's not your fault Poppy."

"He's never here and when he comes home he's a prick. He never used to be that way. I swear he's on something." I said.

"Maybe that's something you need to talk to your dad about?" He said.

"Yeah, I don't know. I'd hate to accuse him of something that he's not doing but that's not the Hart I know." I said.

"Come on let's check the Ewe's." He said.

We got in the stall with both in different areas and one ewe you could just tell she was ready. Her teets were engorged as were her vulva.

We got behind her as she begin pushing a little lamb out and when it hit the hay she begins cleaning it off until she started making noise and moving around and out popped the twin.

I grabbed my phone and took a picture for mom. "Look how cute they are. Is she ok?"

"Yeah, she looks to be ok. Let's watch her for a little bit." He said.

As she was cleaning her babies off the other Ewe started to get restless and I checked and her vulva was also swelled.

"Luke she's ready!" I said.

"Go ahead and watch her and see how she does." He smiled.

We knew she just had one lamb in there and I stayed behind her just in case and it wasn't long until she pushed it out on her own and begin licking it.

When I stepped back over to where Luke was we gave high fives to each other and laughed.

"Let's go check the mare and see where she is at," I said.

When we got over to her stall she was eating hay and seems uninterested. "Well, she's not showing direct signs yet," Luke said.

"No, she's not. Maybe we could play some cards while we wait?" I asked.

"Sure let's move our blanket over closer to the mare so we can watch her." He said.

My phone beeped and I looked down and it was dad.

📱 How are things, Poppy?

📱 Both Ewe's delivered now just waiting on the mare. We are going to play some cards to pass the time.

📱 Alright, I'm going to bed but text or call if you need me which I know you won't. Goodnight sweetheart.

📱 Nite dad I love you!

📱 Love you too.

"Dad wanted an update," I said.

"I love that he's still so passionate about the animals and this farm even after retiring," Luke said.

"He will never fully retire." I laugh.

"Gin rummy?" He asked.

"Sure that's about all I know how to play." I laughed as he dealt the cards.

We played a couple of hands and then paused to go check on the mare and well she still wasn't showing signs.

We played a few more hands and decided to check her again. By this time it's 3 am and I'm yawning and getting tired.

"I know it's a wait and sees but I'm tired." I yawned again.

"I know I am too. Want to take shifts on the mattress?" He asked.

"No that's not fair when we both are tired," I said.

"I know but I can wait." He said.

"Well so can I," I smirked over at him.

"Damn you are stubborn." He laughed.

"And don't you forget it." I laughed.

A little while later we got up to check the mare and she was showing signs. Her lip was curling and her tail was swishing and she kept picking up her hind legs.

"I think it's baby time. A colt or a foal?" He asked.

"I'm hoping a filly." I smiled.

I stood next to her and rubbed on her and baby-talked Petal until legs started popping out.

"Here it comes!" Luke said as it fell onto the hay.

"What do we have?" I asked.

"It's a girl! A filly it is." He smiled.

"You name her this time. Maybe something that goes with flowers?" I said.

"How about Daisy? Can I name it after my mom?" He smiled.

"That sounds wonderful Luke! After it gets to its feet I'll take a picture." I said.

We were so excited that when Luke walked over to me I grabbed him and hugged him and when we pulled back and looked at each other he pulled me in for a kiss

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We were so excited that when Luke walked over to me I grabbed him and hugged him and when we pulled back and looked at each other he pulled me in for a kiss.

When he let go I pulled him in for more and the next thing I know he has me pushed up against the wall of the stall cupping my face as his lips explore mine.

We jumped apart when the stall doors opened and it was Uncle Austin. "Do we have a bunch of little guys?" He asked.

I was so flustered I couldn't speak so Luke told him all that happened last night besides our kissing session of course.

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