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I walked back out to the stables and Poppy was already out there talking to Cotton

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I walked back out to the stables and Poppy was already out there talking to Cotton.

"Which one do I get to ride?" I asked.

"Champ would probably be best. We need to get them saddled up." She smiled.

We got them saddled up and jumped on. "I'll follow you, Poppy."

We headed up a trail and I couldn't help but stare at her ass. I mean it was in front of me.

After a while, the trail widened and we rode side by side. "Not too much further to the swimming hole. Is Champ doing ok? She asked.

"Champ is just fine. I might not say that later about myself when my legs hurt." I laughed.

Less than a mile later we rode up to the swimming hole as she called it and tied the horses around a tree but they could still access the pond.

It was a hot day out but it felt nice with the wind blowing. "Do you come up here often?" I asked her.

"Nah not as often as I would like to. When I was younger some of us would come up and go swimming in the water." She said.

"I bet that water is nice on a day like today," I said.

"Let's take our boots off and stick our feet in the water and see." She smiled.

"Deal." I smiled back at her.

We took our boots off and sit them out of the way so they wouldn't get wet and the horses wouldn't try to chew on them.

"Wow, that's a little cold." I laughed.

"Just a little huh?" She shivered as she put her other foot in the water.

"Do you need a jacket or something?" I laughed.

"Hush Luke." She giggled.

The horses eat grass and apples from the tree while we kept our feet in the water.

"So how do you think this is going so far?" I asked.

"What the whole being a vet?" She asked.

"Yeah, that," I said.

"I really like working with you. Like I said I thought it would be different and I'm was jealous of you at first. But I'm good now." She smiled.

"I'm glad because I think we make the perfect team. Sitting around waiting on something to be born alone is boring." I laughed.

I watched as she stood up and walked deeper into the water after rolling her jeans up to her knees.

"Come on Luke get in." She motioned.

"Alright fine," I said rolling my jean pant legs up to my knees and when I got over to where she was she splashed me.

"Oops." She giggles.

"You did that on purpose." I laughed.

"Don't you splash me back!" She said holding her hands up.

"I'm not Brennon or Damon and I splash back," I said moving closer to her and splashed the water.

"No Luke!" She said covering her face giggling.

I splashed at her a few times and she screamed like I had drowned her with water. I loved to hear her giggle.

She tried to run away from me but I caught her arm and pulled her close to me. "On the count of three, we are going to fall back into the water."

"No, we aren't Luke. I don't want to get wet." She laughed.

"You are already wet silly." I laughed.

"I know Luke but I don't want to go under. Please don't." She said.

"Fine, I won't do that. Let's get out of the water and dry off so we can get back." I said.

I held her hand and helped her out of the water and we sit back on the ground and let our feet and legs dry off before putting our socks and boots back on.

"Are you ready to go?" She asked.

"Sure I'll follow you back to the stables," I said.

I watched her jump on the horse and almost forgot to jump on my own horse. I caught up to her watched her ass all the way back to the stables.

Once at the stables Brennon and Damon were taking care of the animals.

"Wow, thanks guys for doing that for us," I said.

"No problem we told Worth we would and let you two enjoy riding horses," Brennon said.

"We had fun and maybe stayed too long in the swimming hole." She said.

"Put your feet in?" Damon asked.

"Yeah waded up to our knees and then we splashed each other." She said.

"I almost dunked her under the water but she was about to cry." I laughed.

"I was not jerk." She smiled.

"Once you finish your lover's spat Clara said come in and get cheeseburgers that we had for dinner," Brennon said.

"Brennon what the hell." She said stomping out of the stables.

"Hey wait up Poppy! I want a cheeseburger." I laughed.

"You're not mad at what he said?" She asked.

"No, I just ignored the comment. Let's go eat." I said walking behind her to the house.

Once inside Clara was in the kitchen cleaning up. "Hey, Clara! Brennon told us to come inside to get some cheeseburgers." Poppy said.

"Of course sweet girl! I saved you guys some burgers and French fries and I made some brownies for dessert." Clara said.

"Oh, that sounds delicious," I said.

"You two have a seat and I'll bring them over to you," Clara said.

We sit down at the table and I leaned over to Poppy. "Why can't we get our own plates?"

"It's a sin. This is Clara's kitchen and she would be offended if you got your own food." She laughed.

Clara brought over two plates of food and some drinks and ketchup. "I'll get the brownies. You two enjoy!"

I bit into the cheeseburger and looked over at Poppy and I grinned when I saw she had a piece of cheese stuck to the side of her lip.

"You have something on your face Poppy."

"Then get it off of me Luke." She laughed leaning over toward me.

I picked the cheese off of her lip and then looked up at her eyes and then she licked her lips and I couldn't help but focus on them.

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