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Sunday dinner was here and I was excited to tell everyone that we were expecting again

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Sunday dinner was here and I was excited to tell everyone that we were expecting again.

I got Ryder dressed in his new shirt and he was giggling when I tickled his belly.

"Are you two or should I say three ready to go?" He asked.

"Yeah, we are ready," I said.

"I'm going to bring the carrier in case he wants to sleep," Luke said.

"Good idea," I said as we headed up to the big tent.

When mom saw us she was smiling from ear to ear. I pulled Ryder's shirt down so she could see and she smiled.

We went over to the table and everyone was talking to Ryder. "Hey, guys!" I said.

"Hey there Poppy! You look pretty today." Grandma Nancy said.

"Thanks, Grandma." I smile getting Ryder out his favorite stuffed sheep.

Hart walks over and sits down beside me. "There is my favorite guy. Can I hold him, sis?"

"Of course you can hold your nephew Hart." I smiled at him handing Ryder over.

"Hey, Rydie is this your sheep?" He asked Ryder baby talking with him. He turned him around and had him in his lap and I was holding my breath.

"Sis what does this mean? Promoted to big brother?" He asked.

I looked at him and smiled real big. "Holy cow are you pregnant again?" He asked laughing.

"Wait did Hart just say pregnant?" Grandpa Daniel asked.

Before I could answer Lilly and Garth walked up. "It's true Grandpa! Luke and I just found out that we are pregnant again!" I said.

"Oh my god, really Poppy?" Lilly asked.

"Yep! Found out the other day. We are eight weeks." I smiled.

News traveled fast and everyone came to see if it was true. Luke passed the sonogram around to everyone.

"Oh, I'm hoping for a girl this time. We have always been outnumbered by the boys." Grandma Josie laughed.

"We could use some pink!" Daisy laughed.

Brennon sits on the other side of me. "Congrats Poppy! You are a great mom."

"Aww! Thanks, Brennon I appreciate that. It's the best job I've ever had." I smiled.

"Can you name it after me this time?" He asked laughing.

"Ummm." I laughed.

We all sit down to eat. Luke had Ryder while Grandpa Jack said the prayer.

We eat and eat and then eat some more when the dessert was brought out. Ryder begins to get fussy and I took him from Luke and went into the main house to feed him.

I went to the bathroom and let him breastfeed. Once I burped him and kissed his little face we went back outside.

"I was wondering where you went," Hart said.

"I had to feed Ryder," I said.

"Can I have him back?" He asked.

"Of course you can Hart." I smiled.

"Question sis... Does it hurt when he breastfeeds?"

I laugh... "Well sometimes it does but it's for a good cause."

"True I was just wondering." He laughed.

I leaned over and bumped into his arm and smile.

A little while later we decided to go home and get Ryder to bed. Hart was acting like he wanted to go with us so I invited him up for a while.

We got on side by side and Hart was behind us on his four-wheeler.

"What's up with Hart?" Luke asked.

"I'm really not sure he just acted like he wanted to come to the house with us," I said.

"I can get Ryder to bed if you want to talk with him," Luke said.

"I guess we can figure it out," I said.

We got off the side by side and Luke took Ryder inside in his carrier.

"Do you want to go in or sit on the porch?" I asked Hart.

"We can go in if you want. If you need to put Ryder to sleep I understand." He said.

"Luke said he could if you want to spend some time together."

"I don't want to put you out or anything sis." He shrugged.

"Oh hush and take a seat on the couch I'm going to go get us something to drink," I said.

Luke came out with Ryder. "He wanted to say goodnight to his Uncle Hart."

I watched as Hart cradled Ryder in his arms and smiled at him and then cuddled him in.

"I think Ryder is happy and content in his Uncle's arms," I said.

"I think you are right about that. I will let you two talk and I'm going to go shower." Luke said.

"So what's bothering you, Hart?" I asked.

"I'm just nervous I mean it's nothing but moving into your old place I'm second guessing myself." He said.

"Why do you say that what happened?" I asked.

"I mean I just have to hold myself accountable and keep myself sober. That means no drinking and definitely no drugs." He said.

"You have done such a great job with your sobriety Hart we all are very proud of you," I said.

"I appreciate that. Sometimes I just feel alone. I see you and Luke and what you have and this beautiful boy and another one baking and then there is me I have nothing." He said.

"Hey listen to me. You are the best brother and uncle and friend and you are never alone when your annoying big sister is around." I smiled and .

"Thanks, sis I appreciate it. Sometimes holding this one is just what I need. If you need a babysitter I'm your man but I'm not breastfeeding him." He laughed.

"You better not try to breastfeed my son with your man boob." I laughed.

Hart looked down and saw Ryder asleep and he smiled caressing his face. "Nothing like a baby sleeping."

"No it's not and it's even better when he sleeps during the night and I get great sleep." I smiled.

When Luke walked back into the room he took Ryder to get him ready for bed and I walked Hart outside.

We sit down on the step and I wrapped my arm around him and put my head on his shoulder.

"I love you Hart and I'm proud of you."

"I love you too Poppy." He said kissing the top of my head.

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