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I signed an autograph for that girl and then a few more walked over when they saw what was going on and thankfully Luke got me out of there

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I signed an autograph for that girl and then a few more walked over when they saw what was going on and thankfully Luke got me out of there.

"Thank you for getting me out of there. I don't want to be well known as my mom." I said.

"No problem Poppy. I'm sorry I put you in the passenger side but I was just trying to usher you out of the store." He said.

"It's fine. I'm too flustered to even drive and I don't mind you driving my new truck." I smiled over at him.

Once we pulled up at the Ranch I didn't want to go in or be around people. "Do you want to go ride the side by side or a horse? I don't want to be around people right now." I said.

"Sure let's get on the side by side. We need to pick apples for the horses anyway." He said.

We headed straight to the barn. "Hey, guys! Welcome back how was it?" Dad asked.

"Oh, dad you don't want to know. Have the animals been ok? We are going to go get some apples." I said.

"Everything here is great but you look, frazzled sweetheart," Dad said.

"I'll be fine but thanks, Dad," I said as we went around back to the side by side.

We hopped on and headed down the path that leads to the apple trees.

We pull up and Luke cuts the engine off and we just sit there for a second. "Are you ok Poppy?"

"Thanks to you I am getting there." I smiled.

"And through all of that, you didn't lose any of your makeup." He laughed.

"Great! Just what I wanted was to look like a clown eating an apple." I said.

"Come on Poppy it really isn't that bad looks wise but I guess it is heavy." He said.

"Yeah, it can be and causes zits." I laugh getting off the side by side.

We walk over to the apple tree and start picking apples off the ground for the horses.

"We should have brought Romeo," Luke said.

"Oh man, I forgot. Do you want to go get him and come back?" I asked.

"Nah I will let him out when we go back. I'm going to grab us an apple to eat." He said.

"Ok, I'm going to go over and set under that shade tree," I said.

I sit down in the grass and watched him jump for apples and giggled a few times when he didn't get anything.

But when he jumped and it showed his abs I was interested and couldn't stop looking.

"Finally got two nice big green apples." He laughed sitting down beside me.

He took his hat and turned it around backward and leaned against the tree.

I tried not to look at him because for some reason that hat turned backward does something to me.

"What's on your mind Poppy?"

"Umm, just how nice it is to be up here, and it's quiet without a bunch of people around," I said

Lord knows I can't tell him the real reason.

"Well, it makes sense. That was wild today and I'm sorry I feel like I put you in that predicament Poppy."

"Luke it's not your fault. I mean you did suggest it but you didn't know that the whole town would show up." I giggled.

I looked over and watch him bite that apple and I was mesmerized watching his mouth chew and his strong jaw.

I hurried up and turned away while I focused on my own apple.

"You know I'm amazed that lipgloss isn't coming off on your apple." He laughed.

"Your obsessed with this lipstick. Would you like to try some?" I asked.

"No I mean I don't want to put it on my lips." He said.

"How else would you get it on your lips then Luke?"

He smirked at me and bit into his apple avoiding the question.

I continued to eat my own apple and closed my eyes. This is a romantic place. No wonder my parents fell in love up here.

My phone beeped.

📱 Poppy are you ok?

📱 I am. Picking apples with Luke.

📱 Just checking. Come back soon dinner is cooking.

📱 Ok mom.

"Mom wanted to check on me. Plus she said dinner is cooking." I said.

"She's probably worried how I got you out of there." He laughed.

"More than likely." I sighed.

"How's the hand?"

"Better now but thanks for the massage." I smiled over at him.

I couldn't help but watch his eyes as he chewed because he kept focusing on my lips.

Do I want to kiss him? Hell yeah, but am I bold enough to do it? Probably not and I'm not sure what he might do.

I finish my apple and threw the core a good distance away from us.

"Damn that was far." He laughed.

"See if you can throw yours further," I said.

"What do I win if mine goes further?" He asked.

"A round of applause?" I laughed.

He threw his core further and I gave him a high five and then clapped.

"I think I should have got something else." He said.

"What some lipgloss?" I asked.

"Do you have it on you?" He asked.

"Just my lips." I smiled.

He looked down at my lips and then looked up at me. "Well, your lips look soft." He said an octave lower.

"Is that a hint Luke?" I whispered.

He shook his head yes at me. "May I kiss you, Poppy?"

"What's taking you so long Luke?" I smiled at him as he moved over closer to me and leaned in looking from my eyes to my lips.

I grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him closer to me and when our lips met neither of us moved at first.

His lips were softer than I ever could imagine. When our lips begin to move together he cupped my face in his hands.

"Damn." He said.

I smiled at him and pulled him in for another kiss.

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