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Having two babies is harder than I thought but I'm getting the hang of it

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Having two babies is harder than I thought but I'm getting the hang of it.

It's been a month since Wren was born and she is the sweetest baby. She sleeps at night and doesn't keep us up crying.

For right now Brennon is still helping Luke because my hands are full. Our parents and everyone on the Ranch have pitched in to help us and it's been amazing.

I can't believe I'm a mom of two. Wren is my mini-me for sure and I love it.

The more that Ryder grows he looks like a mix between my dad and Luke. It's weird but funny. Plus he still has his birthmark like my late Uncle Kevin.

Luke came home at lunchtime smiling and said that he was taking me out for dinner.

"How can we go out to eat with a newborn Luke?"

"No worries your mom and dad are going to watch the kids for us. I feel like you need to get out of the house."

"I'm excited about it but did you bring us some lunch from Clara?" I asked.

He laughed... "Of course I did. She made you a cheeseburger and well brownies of course."

I had just got Wren down to sleep and now it was Ryder's turn. Luke took him to his crib and laid him down.

"The house is quiet. Let's go out on the back patio to eat." I said.

He set the food on the table and came around and kissed my lips. "I love you, Poppy."

"I love you too Luke."

"I don't know how you do it with both of them but you make it look flawless." He said.

"It's not easy but I love being a mom and it's so different having a little girl over a boy." I laughed.

After lunch, I checked on the kids and they were both still asleep so I went laid on the bed and fell asleep after Luke went back to work.

Around 4 pm Wren woke me up crying so I diapered her and fed her and rocked her and then went to get Ryder and let him play on the floor with his blocks.

There was a knock at the door and mom walked in. "Are you ready to get ready for your date?"

"Yes, I am. They have been fed and diapered and they took big naps so Ryder is content playing with his blocks and this one wants to be held." I said.

"Give me Wren I love baby snuggles." Mom laughed.

I walked into the bedroom to figure out what to wear and I could hear Ryder saying GG constantly.

I took a shower and fixed my hair and makeup and then put a dress on that Luke hasn't seen. A pretty black wrap-around dress.

I pulled out some heels to wear with it and put some jewelry on and my red lipgloss he loves so much with my lashes.

When I walked into the living room he was standing there with his mouth open. "Wow Poppy you look beautiful."

"Thanks, Luke." I smiled.

"Let me go shower and change I'll be back." He said.

"Poppy you do look beautiful and I know you have your red lipgloss on." Mom laughed.

"Luke loves it." I wink at her.

Dad walks in and Ryder goes running over to him. "Pappy!"

My heart melts when I see all the love in this room.

"Poppy you look pretty where is Luke taking you?" Dad asked.

"I have no idea. He says it's a surprise." I smiled.

It wasn't long until Luke came out dressed in a nice pair of jeans and cowboy boots and a button-down shirt.

"You guys have fun and everything will be ok." Mom said.

"Thanks for watching them. Milk is in the fridge if they get hungry. Love you guys!" I said.

"Love you too now get." Dad laughed.

Luke helped me into my truck and then he jumped in.

"So where are we going?" I asked.

"It's a surprise." He smiled over at me.

When he took a certain cut I knew we were going back to that log cabin restaurant that he took me to before.

"Oh, Luke I love this place." I smiled over at him.

"I know you do that's why I paid to have it closed tonight just for us." He said.

"You sound like dad." I laughed.

We walked inside and were took out to the balcony to our candlelit table with roses on the table.

He pulled out my seat and helped me to sit before going over to his chair.

"It's so beautiful out here Luke."

"Not as beautiful as you Poppy."

I smiled over at him as our food was brought out. I didn't remember ordering but he did ahead of time so we didn't have to wait.

"You have pulled out all the stops." I smiled over at him.

Once we were done eating Luke helped me up and we danced out on that balcony while we waited on our dessert.

He pulled me close and kissed me. "I am hopelessly in love with you Poppy."

"I'm in love with you too Luke. I didn't know life could be this good." I said.

He brought his hands up to my face and caressed it before kissing me again. We were lost in the moment and didn't even know our dessert had been brought out.

We sit back down and eat the homemade apple pie with vanilla ice cream feeding each other.

"Are you ready to go home?" He asked.

"Yeah but instead of going home let's go back to the apple orchard where it all begins for us and you kissed me for the first time," I said.

Once home I texted mom to tell her where we would be and she said to take our time and enjoy ourselves.

We got on the side by side and headed to the orchards. It was beautiful at night. I looked up a few times at the stars and smiled.

"You know I would have you naked under that tree if we could have sex." He laughed.

"Really Luke?" I laughed and smacked his arm.

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