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A few months have passed by and things have been going great

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A few months have passed by and things have been going great. Luke and I spend every waking moment together.

Well, I guess every sleeping moment too because we haven't spent a night apart since the night he took me on a date.

Uncle Chad tries to give him a hard time but he doesn't pay any attention to it.

Today is Sunday dinner and Hart is finally back home and he seems to be doing so much better. He's even been helping us out on the Ranch with the hard work that Uncle Emerson and Austin do with Damon and Brennon.

"Hey, my mom asked if she could bring some homemade chocolate cake for dinner?" Luke asked.

"Of course she can. That won't offend anyone." I smiled.

Luke walked over to where I was standing in the kitchen and held me close. After dinner think maybe we could go picking up apples?" He asked.

"Sure sounds good. I'm sure the horses would love to eat some." I smiled.

"Mom wants to see her namesake again." He laughed.

"Daisy is the cutest foal I have ever seen." I smiled as he kissed me again.

We headed out to check the animals and I saw Hart feeding the horses and I walked over and patted him on the back.

"Thanks for all your help around here Hart. I'm so glad that you are back." I smiled at him.

"It's good to be back Poppy. I missed you guys and I must say happy looks good on you." He said.

I gave him a side hug before going over to check on the lambs. "Aren't they just the cutest?"

"They really are but I didn't say that." He laughed.

"I heard that." Luke laughed.

"No, you didn't Luke." Hart laughed.

It warms my heart to see Luke and Hart getting along. All the time we have been spending together over the last couple of months I realize that I love Luke and I'm itching to tell him just how much.

We went in for breakfast and Clara had the waffles and eggs with bacon on the table with Grandpa Daniel's preserves and some syrup.

Luke walked in and sit down beside me kissing me on the cheek. "This looks delicious as always Clara," Luke said.

After breakfast, we went back to check on the rest of the animals and feed them while everyone else was getting ready for dinner.

Luke said he had to run into town for a few things but he would be back. Usually, I go with him but I had a headache and decided to go home and lay down with Romeo for a while.

When I woke up Luke was standing over me. "You feeling ok?"

"Yeah was just a headache. What time is it?" I asked.

"It's time for Sunday dinner so you think you will be able to go eat?" He asked.

"Oh sure. My headache is gone now with a little sleep." I said scratching Romeo's ears.

"Good I know mom wants you to try some of her chocolate cake." Luke smiled.

"Oh, I can't wait. Let me go pee and freshen up." I said heading to the bathroom.

We walked up to the tent hand in hand. Daisy walked over and hugged me. "Hi sweetie how are you?"

"I'm good Daisy how are you?" I asked just as mom walked up.

"I'm good." Daisy smiled.

"Did your headache go away?" Mom asked.

"Yeah, the nap helped mom." I smiled.

Luke sit beside me but he seemed nervous for some reason. "Are you ok?" I asked leaning over close to him.

"Yeah, I'm just hungry." He smiled.

Both my grandmas started bringing food out with Clara and placing it on the tables.

"Let's go over to the kiddy table," I said.

We got up and went over to the smaller table and it wasn't long until Hart, Damon, and Brennon joined us.

"Just like old times huh sis?" Hart laughed.

"We did this last time and Grandpa Daniel asked if we were the cool kids." I laughed.

"Hell yeah, we are," Damon smirked.

Before we begin eating Lilly and Garth showed up. We always invite them to family dinner. Our smaller table was full.

"I'm so glad you guys could make it." I smiled.

"We love Sunday dinners." Lilly smiled.

Sunday dinners are the only day that Clara lets us make our own plates and none of us know how to act.

We eat and talked and laughed up into the evening time and it was nice.

Clara started bringing out dessert and there was so much to choose from. I decided I wanted some of all of it. I spied that chocolate cake and had to get a piece.

I sit back down beside Luke and he laughed. "A little of all of it?"

"Of course Luke. I want to try it all." I smiled.

"I think I will do the same thing. I want to try everything." He laughed getting up.

I bit into the chocolate cake and it was so good as was the brownie and banana pudding.

"How do you like the cake?" Luke asked sitting back down.

"It's delicious your mom is a good cook." I smiled.

Daisy walked over... "How's the cake Poppy?"

"Oh, I love it, Daisy. It's so yummy." I said.

"You guys need to come over one night and have dinner with us. I'll make Luke's favorite. Baked Ziti." Daisy said.

"Just say when. I love to eat." I laughed.

After we finished eating I threw our plates away and looked around for Luke but didn't see him.

I walked over and told Hart that Luke and I were going to go pick some apples and he just smiled.

"What's that look for Hart?"

"I'm just happy to see you happy Poppy and I think Luke is a great guy and I'm sorry for how I acted when I first met him." He said.

"Hey, that's the past Hart!" I smiled at him.

"Hey, that's the past Hart!" I smiled at him

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