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We made it to the swimming hole and tied the horses up and set down on a blanket

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We made it to the swimming hole and tied the horses up and set down on a blanket.

"It feels nice out here today doesn't it?" I asked.

"It does... Want to take that dip today?" She asked.

"Sure let's go. You don't think Brennon will show up do you?" I asked.

"No, I think he went on a hunting trip with his friends." She said.

I stripped down to my boxer shorts and well Poppy surprised me and had on a blue and white striped bathing suit.

"Come on Luke stop ogling me." She laughed.

I followed her down to the water and when she stepped in I couldn't help but watch her ass as she moved in the water.

I bit my bottom lip and watched her move on down in the water and she turned around and looked at me. "Are you staring at my ass again?" She asked.

"How did you know I was doing that anyway?" I laughed.

"Because I've caught you a few times and it's big and hard to miss." She laughed.

I joined her down in the water and it was warm today. "Wow, it's warmer than I thought it would be."

She swam over to me and wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me. "I wanted to do that last time but well we didn't know each other that well."

"No we didn't but I still would have kissed you back. I mean you are a beautiful woman who I can't take my eyes off of." I said.

"Is that so Luke?" She said wrapping her legs around my waist and kisses me passionately.

After a little while, we got out and dried on the towel before putting our clothes back on.

We fed the horses a few more apples before we headed back down the trail to the main house.

When we walked in most were sitting around the table. "Where have you been?" Damon asked.

"We took the horses up to the swimming hole and gathered apples with Romeo." Poppy said.

"Yeah, Romeo thinks the apples are balls and we have to throw them back and forth," I said.

Worth laughed... "That's why he was barking at the bucket the other day."

"That would be why, dad. He likes the green apples better." Poppy laughed.

We all were ready to eat and Clara brought plates over. "Dig in guys!"

Looks like a chicken casserole with mashed potatoes, green beans, corn, mac and cheese, and rolls.

This food is so delicious carbs or not. I look over at Poppy and smile.

After dinner I'm so stuffed I don't even want to move.  "You ok Luke?" She asked.

"I'm so stuffed. Those brownies will have to wait until later." I laughed.

She laughed at me and helped me up and we went outside and grabbed Roscoe and threw the ball to him.

Brennon walked up and grabbed the ball and threw it to Romeo. "Did I miss dinner?"

"Oh yeah you did but I'm sure Clara saved you a plate." Poppy said.

"Let's head to the barn and check on the animals before we call it a night," I said.

She walked with me to the stable looked around and then down to where the sheep are and one was squalling.

As we got closer and examined the one squalling we realized one was ready to have her baby.

We brought her up to the stable and got her comfortable. Looks like we are in for a long night.

"I'm going to go get some drinks and brownies I'll be right back." She said.

I watched her walk out of the stable and I shake my head. How did I become so lucky?

When she came back she had a whole bag of snacks and some cards. "Well just in case we get bored."

"Us bored? Never we are on lamb watch and we can kiss now to pass the time." I smirked.

"Oh, you are something else. Afraid I might beat you at rummy this time?" She laughs.

Brennon walked into the stable. "So another birth tonight?" He asked.

"Yeah, we are on lamb watch," I said.

"No luck hunting this morning?" Poppy asked.

"Oh a couple of my buddies got some deer but I didn't get anything." He said.

"Going hunting in the morning again?" I asked.

"Yeah, that's why I'm headed to bed but I wanted to see what was pregnant this time." He said.

"Nite Brennon!" Poppy said.

"Nite guys and umm congrats on the new place Poppy!" He smiled as he left.

"I like Brennon he seems like a nice guy and would give you the shirt off of his back," I said.

"He really is. I feel a lot closer to him than to Damon for some reason." She shrugged.

"I'm going to check on the Ewe and see if we see any swelling yet," I said.

When I set back down she had the cards out. "Want to play a few hands while we wait?" She asked.

"Sure but it's strip poker this time right?" I laughed.

"No, I don't know how to play that." She laughed.

"I know this is all we seem to do but can we take tomorrow evening off and go out to eat?" I asked.

"You want to take me out on a date?" She smiled.

I smiled at her... "Yes, I want to take you on an official date. I mean I'm not sure how to navigate this but I want to make things special for you." I said.

"I would love to go on a date with you Luke." She said leaning over for a kiss.

I cupped her face softly and kissed her a few more times when Austin walked in the door with Rosa.

"Hey, guys what's up?" Poppy said.

"Your Aunt Rosa wanted to see the babies. Sorry for interrupting." Austin said.

"It's fine we are just on lamb watch." Poppy said.

"Oh gosh, a baby is about to be born?" Rosa asked.

"Yeah, we are waiting for it." I smiled.

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