Chapter 32

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"AND ON THE FIRST TRY!" Yeo-jong added.

"YOU DIDN'T EVEN STUDY!" Soojun laughed, feeling very proud.

Beomhyun sheepishly scratched his nape, "I dunno, uuh... stock knowledge I guess?"

The four boys gave him a disbelieving look, "STOCK KNOWLEDGE?!"

Beomhyun flinched about due to the raising of their voices. "I mean, the questions were kinda familiar and I felt like I've read or encountered some of them in my previous school. Plus some of the terms were kinda easy to figure out since I've read about them in a book once."

Once again, silence has reigned the kitchen.

"Finally!" Woosan exclaims. "The lord has blessed you, you, you and I!" he gestures to the other boys before himself in a dramatic manner.

"Now Seok-joon-hyung won't call us a bunch of dummies anymore!" he added, shrieking as he pulled Beimhyun to a hug.

"Us?" Yeo-jong scoffed, "Puh-lease, the only dummy here is you!"

Upon hearing that insult, Woosan broke the hug and quickly marched towards Yeo-jong. "What did you say?!"

"You heard me!"

"Yah! Having an eighty-four on the entrance exam doesn't change the fact that you're an idiot too!"

"Well having a ninety-two doesn't make you smart either!"



Soojun let out a sigh and shook his head. "These two, always at each others throats."

Kyle and Byun nodded at his statement.

"If it weren't for me knowing them, I would've mistook them as lovers who quarrel all the time," Byun utters, eyeing the two arguing males.

Then Kyle let out a gasp. "Oh my gosh, a new ship!" he says before muttering something about 'a ship name' and 'frenemies to lovers' et cetera.

Beomhyun confusingly eyed his best friend, yes Kyle is officially his best friend. Although the latter may have forced him that title but let's say Byun couldn't resist the younger boy's cuteness and obliged.

And you can say a certain someone wasn't too happy about it.

Soojun scoffed, "This is what you get for hanging out with Auntie Moh-wa too much, Kyle-ah."

The aforementioned gave the older an eye-roll. "FYI Soojun-hyung, I already had the talent for matchmaking. Auntie Moh-wa only gave me advice along with Dad!"

Beomhyun gave the two a confused look. "Who's Auntie Moh-wa?"

"Hm? Oh, she's a close friend of our dads. Not to mention a teen stuck in a thirty-five year old woman's body." Soojun says, adjusting his glasses.

"Wait!" Kyle exclaims in realization before looking at Beomhyun.

"So if Hyunnie got a ninety-seven, and we're the same age. Then that must mean..." he trailed off dramatically.

Soojun and Beomhyun rose a brow at him, well, more particularly Soojun since Byun was merely tilting his head in confusion.

"That must mean what, Kyle?" the raven haired male asks, only to be answered by a dolphin scream before tackling Beomhyun into a hug.

"WE'RE GONNA BE CLASSMAAATES!" the young Huening squeals, jumping up and down and all around whilst still hugging Beomhyun.

"I-I see that, hehe," the brunette utters, feeling a bit dizzy by Kyle's excitedness and his sudden hug.

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