Chapter 1

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A certain blonde haired male was biting his nails anxiously. Eyes scanning every direction of the wide park, he was waiting for someone.

Ever since the night they shared weeks ago. Taehyun finally had the courage to tell him, he has to know. Beomgyu needed to know the outcome of that night.

Fiddling his oversized navy blue hoodie, Taehyun decided to sit down on a bench near a tree. He knew pacing around and being nervous wasn't good for him. He took his phone from his pocket and unlocked it.

Taehyun let out a sigh as he stared at his wallpaper. It was a picture of him and Beomgyu, way back from highschool. Unconsciously, Taehyun placed his free hand on his flat stomach.

"Do you think he'll accept us, bud?" he asked, rubbing his stomach softly.

Just then, his phone rang, making the blonde male flinch. Holding the device to his eye level, his heart quickened its pace.

It was Beomgyu.

Swallowing a lump on his throat, Taehyun swiped the answer button, holding the phone near his ear.

"Hi Tae!" A cheery voice chirped from the other line.

"Hey hyung," Taehyun smiled. "I-I was wondering, where are you? I've been waiting for 10 minutes now at the old oak tree-

Then he heard a nervous chuckle from the other line.

"Oh, really? Oh man I'm so sorry Taehyun-ah. I can't make it, I promised Mina a date today. I'm really sorry."

"Oh," was all Taehyun could say. Tears were slowly prickling on his eyes, but he immediately wiped them. Preventing the salty tears to roll down his face.

"Oh and Taehyun-ah."


The younger heard his shuffling from the other line before Beomgyu spoke.

"About what happened that night."

Taehyun held his breath, but the words that the older uttered pierced through his heart.

"I-I'm so sorry. I-I didn't mean to kiss you. I promise, i-it was a mistake."

For a second there, Taehyun was frozen. The word 'mistake' played through his head over and over and over again.

So what they had that night, Beomgyu thought of it as a mistake.

He was angry, because, for Taehyun. It wasn't a mistake, it had something on the younger. That night brought a great impact on him and his life. And they didn't just kiss, they did something more than that.

For Taehyun, what they had last night. Was something he couldn't forget, because a gift was created during that night.

But of course, he already knew the older wouldn't believe him if he told him. And besides, Beomgyu had a girlfriend, Taehyun shouldn't be selfish. He was going to take his hyung's freedom and his youth if he told him.

And his dream.

"Tae? You still there?"

Beomgyu's voice brought Taehyun back from his thoughts. He took a deep breath, trying to control his emotions.

"Yeah, I am. And, it's okay. We were drunk that time."

"I know right? We shouldn't have drank too much beer," Beomgyu chuckled.

The blonde forced a giggle before saying. "Hyung-

"Oh! I gotta go Tae, Mina's waiting. Talk to you later bye!"

And with that, Beomgyu ended the call.

Taehyun let out a sigh, this time. He let his tears rain down his cheeks. He knew it, he knew it all along yet still chose to call him. And look what happened.

He just got indirectly rejected.

Stiffling a sob, Taehyun got up. It was no use to wait anymore, Beomgyu wasn't coming. He placed his hand on his stomach as he walked to his apartment with a tear-stained face.

'He musn't know,' Taehyun thought. A sob escaping his lips as he caressed his stomach.

'Beomgyu-hyung musn't know.'

As the blonde arrived at his apartment, Taehyun began packing. He packed everything he had and made sure there was nothing left. He even packed that video camera Beomgyu gave him on his birthday.

Once everything was packed, Taehyun turned off the lights, closed the door and headed straight to the train station. He purchased a ticket to Busan, luckily, the first train leaves in a minute.

As Taehyun was about to enter the train. He looked over his shoulder, he felt bad about not telling Kai, Soobin or Yeonjun about this. But it was for the best.

Especially for Beomgyu.

With a few tears escaping from his eyes. Taehyun smiled sadly as he stared at the sign board that had Seoul written in it.

"Goodbye guys, I'm so sorry," he whispered shakily before boarding the train completely.

He had to do it.

For the baby.


I hope you liked this chapter:)


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