Chapter 40

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"WHAT DO YOU MEAN NO MORE ADRIENETTE?!" Yeo-jong shrieked, glaring at a very satisfied Woosan.

"Well... Adrien ended up with Kagami in season—" Woosan's mouth was smashed with a book by Yeo-jong which eventually made him shriek in pain.

"SHUSH! DON'T YOU DARE SPOIL ME THE CONTENT, KITTY-CAT!" the latter utters, smashing the book on Woosan continuously.

"Ow! Jong what the... Ow! Hey stop– ow— YAH —ow!— JONG —Ow! Ow! OW STOP IT!" Woosan pleaded, shielding himself with his hands.

However, Yeo-jong was still hitting him with the book.











"IDIOT IMMA GET A BRUISE WITH DIS— AUNTIE MOH-WA HELP I'M BEING ASSAULTED!" the young boy shouts, eyes on the older lady on the driver's seat who merely chuckled.

Soojun rolled his eyes, "Chille Woo, its not like a book will kill you."

With a disbelieving look, Woosan glared at Soojun. "IF A SPOON CAN KILL A PERSON THEN WHAT MUCH DO YOU EXPECT FROM A BOOK, HUH?!"

"Actually Woosan-hyung," Beomhyun butted in. "A spoon can't really kill a human being. I mean, it depends on what kind of technique the person would do. And how much force and inertia it would take—"

"Yeah yeah I get it, thanks for the info Byun, really I appreciate it," Woosan sassed.

"HAHA, you sound like grumpy from snow white!" Kyle wheezed, imagining the older male in a dwarf custome with an animated frown and arms crossed.


Chuckling, Moh-wa glances over her seat. "Boys, go easy on Sannie."

"Ha! See!" Woosan exclaims, taking the book away from his frenemy.

"Nuh-uh, auntie Moh-wa only said to go easy on you. She didn't say we should stop!" Yeo-jong counters.

With a smile, Moh-wa shakes her head before averting her attention back to the road. The screams and laughter of her nephews on the background made the car very lively and light atmospheric.

Averting her eyes to the side mirrors, Moh-wa spotted three black colored cars in the distance. But the latter shrugged it off as nothing.

"How many times do I have to tell you that Blue hour isn't connected to zero by one lovesong and loserlover!" Soojun utters, making Moh-wa divert her attention to him.

"Then how do you make out five boys escaping from the harsh reality by jumping off a cliff with a car and then the sky turned purple, huh? And not to mention that in 0X1's teaser it was Daniel all alone dancing but in the movie it was all five of them!" Beomhyun protested.

"Okay and how does that even mean anything?" Soojun rose a brow.

Beomhyun gave him a look, "The purple sky painting! Did you notice that painting with a purple sky Daniel and Steve along with that yellow ladder they sat on? And then the same sky at the end of loserlover? Hyung they connect!"

"If they do then care to explain why Ben was the only one left at the end of Blue hour movie? Because at loserlover and 0X1 it was Daniel who was the only one left. It doesn't make sense." the taller boy challenged him.

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