Chapter 23

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Beomhyun was frozen still, he didn't expect Soojun to cry.

Most especially for him.

"Y-Yah hyung, why are you crying?" he asks.

Soojun pulled away from the hug, giving the young male a disbelieving look. "You were literally shot in the abdomen and lost too much blood along with being a sleep for a week! How the heck can I not cry when you almost lost your life, huh?!" he snapped, sniffling along some lines.

"You... you were worried about me?" Beomhyun asked, a bit dumbstruck about how much the older male cared about him.

"Of course I was! Byun you almost died out there how can I not worry about you?!" Soojun says once again, using his sleeves to wipe his tear strained cheeks.

"I... I'm sorry," Beomhyun whispered,  biting his lower lip.

"Yah, now why are you apologizing? Besides you're awake, and you're alive." Soojun sniffled, letting out a chuckle as he ruffled Beomhyun's hair. "That's what matters."

"And take this as karma for being my substitute," the older ravenettte smirked.

"Hey! You could've atleast said thank you since I volunteered to go instead of anyone," Beomhyun countered.

"Mm-hmm, sure sure. Thanks," Soojun rolled his eyes before slipping the sunflower into the vase and slumped on the monoblock beside Beomhyun.

"So you're the one who's been slipping sunflowers into that vase," the brunette smirked, earning a scoff from the older male.

"Why yes I have, why? Were you expecting Jaeno-hyung?" Soojun asked, raising an eyebrow.

The brunette laughed. "You sound like a jealous boyfriend! That is so clich-y!"

Flinching by the 'boyfriend' comment, Soojun's mind then wandered to what Mrs. Chae-rin said.

'Are you his boyfriend?'

He shook his head internally, since if he did that physically Beomhyun might not think twice of calling the hospital's mental ward on him.

"Anyways, where were you? Yeo-jong hyung told me you had work. Do you mind telling me what it is?" Beomhyun asked him.

The ravenette then scoffed. "Now whose the one acting like a jealous boyfriend, huh?"

"Yah! Says the one who tells people I'm sassy and obnoxious!"

"Wait, who told you?!"

"Kyle did!"

"He told you?!"

"Duh!" Beomhyun sneered with an eye-roll before mumbling, "Some friend you are, Choi."

Soojun felt an irk mark pop from his cheek. He adored Kyle ever since they were little kids, but right now. He was this close of throwing that kid to the Artic or Mars if he's angry enough.

And he ain't kidding.

"L-Look Byun I'm sorry. Kyle was just too cute when he's curious so I kinda ranted on him about you," Soojun chuckled, sheepishly rubbing his nape.

"Mm-hm," Beomhyun hummed nonchalantly, taking a sunflower from the vase and examined it closely. A small smile adorning his pinkish lips.

Soojun on the other hand was merely staring at the younger. Beomhyun was wearing a flimsy hospital gown with an IV line attached to his right hand. The latter was staring at the sunflower on his hand before bringing it to his nose, sniffing its fragrance as a small smile adorned his pinkish lips.

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