How Did It Go?

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Wade sighed. "How did that go?" He watched Kevin. "Does Lucian hate me?" He was so worried. "This is too soon! Fiona just died a few months ago and... I should have waited but I wanted to be honest!"

Kevin walked over and wrapped around Wade. "Sweetheart, it's going to be fine. This is shocking information and there was no good way to break the news. How are you supposed to tell your kid you're gay? There isn't a party for that!"

Wade smiled. "Thanks, Kev. There probably isn't a Hallmark card for that either!" They both chuckled.

"I wish there was!" Kevin sighed. "I never saw this coming but I like it. I hope they don't really hate each other! What do we do if our sons hate each other?"

"Well, they're eighteen and can move out after graduation. We'll be fine." Wade sighed. "I hope." He looked at Kevin and smiled. "I'm glad we did this." He kissed his man gently.

Kevin smiled. "Me too. Kiss me!"

Lucian and Gabe walked down the stairs and back to the dining room. Gabe pulled Lucian to a stop. They stared at the scene in front of them. Lucian didn't blink as he watched his dad. He was wrapped around Gabe's dad, kissing him. Gabe's dad, Kevin, had his hands in Wade's hair.

Gabe smiled really big. "They look pretty happy, Lucian."

Wade heard a voice and pulled away. Kevin turned to his son and blushed. "Well?"

Gabe smiled. "I could get used to this!"

Wade smiled at Gabe and looked at his son. "Lucian?"

Lucian was quiet. "Are you happy?"

Wade nodded. "I am."

Kevin sighed. "Let's sit in the living room and talk. Come on." He pulled Wade with him and they sat on the love seat. They were holding hands. "Let's talk about the elephant. I hope you understand that saying?"

"Yes. The elephant in the room. The biggest thing that is being ignored. My mom." Lucian sat with Gabe. He wanted to hold his boyfriend's hand but not right now.

Wade nodded. "I loved your mother, Lucian. Fiona was wonderful and we had a happy life together. When she found out ..." He wasn't saying it. "She told me she wanted me to be happy. She wanted me to move on but never to forget her. I won't. I will always love her!" His voice got thick and he quit talking. He wiped tears as he cleared his throat.

Kevin took over. "I want to respect your mom. I heard stories and saw pictures of you guys. I'm happy that you had a mother like that, Lucian. If you don't want me talking about her, I understand."

Lucian appreciated that. "You lost your wife?" He knew.

"I did. Her name was Paige. She was wonderful. She died nearly four years ago and there isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about her and miss her.

"We were married for almost eighteen years and had three kids, we had the twins before we got married. We got married mostly because my parents made me. But that didn't mean I didn't love her. Paige never got to meet her grandchild. She always wanted to be a grandma. Gabe has her eyes." Kevin smiled at the boys.

Lucian nodded and wiped a tear. "I'm sorry about your loss too. I'm not mad. I'm in shock but I'm not mad, Dad. Really. I have other things going on with me, so me walking out wasn't just about you."

Wade nodded. "Son, I'm sorry. This with Kevin, we are going slow. I have no interest in getting married again and it's way too soon. I never want to make you feel like I'm disrespecting your mother. You know I loved her and always will."

They never talked about homosexuality so Wade had no idea how Lucian felt about people that were gay. He hadn't slept well in months that Fiona was gone and it was a mix between Fiona and Lucian. His mind never stopped.

"I know." Lucian nodded and took a breath. "Okay. Since you're being honest, I feel that I" He looked at Gabe and let his eyes move to Gabe's hand. He slid his fingers in Gabe's fingers. He looked up. "Uh, we're dating." He took a breath. It felt good to be honest.

The two men stared. Wade watched his son holding Gabe's hand. He was speechless. Kevin wasn't any better. "But...I thought you hated each other!?" Wade got his voice to work.

Gabe slid closer to Lucian. "Never. Not really. It's a long story but I never hated Lucian."

"And I have been in love with Gabe since seventh grade." Lucian sighed. "I wasn't trying to say that out loud."

Gabe stared at Lucian. The staring was contagious! "Luc! You what? I didn't think we were saying that word!"

Lucian smiled. "It's true and I'm getting sick of pretending." He turned to his dad and Kevin. "So, I'm gay and I love Gabe. This is why I was freaking out!"

Wade just started laughing. "Holy shit!" He wrapped around Kevin and smiled. "What now!"

Kevin sighed.

Gabe chuckled. "I like this. Being honest. I hate hiding all the time. So, we are all in love, huh?"

Lucian smiled. "I guess we are.

"Are you boys being safe?" Kevin watched them with dad eyes.

Lucian smiled. "Are you?"

Wade gasped. "We are not having sex! We're not ready for it."

"Me either! We're waiting, Dad. But... I am stocking up on condoms and gel!" He winked at his dad.

Wade blushed. "Shut up!"

"So, we haven't had sex but..." Gabe sighed. "I have. Before. I never told anyone. So there it is. It was after mom died and I was working out in the gym. A guy was there. He was a senior at a different school. We just...he dragged me to the bathroom and we...had sex. I used a condom. Don't worry. But, I never told you that, Lucian. I was afraid." Gabe looked at Lucian.

"A boyfriend?"

"No. I never really talked to him again. After. Walter said he moved after he graduated but... I don't know for sure. I was sad and it helped. I felt like shit after though. I decided not to do that again until I found the right guy." Gabe sighed.

Lucian leaned in. "I hope I'm the right guy!" He bit Gabe's ear.

"So, you're not joking about being together?" Wade was half expecting this to be a funny joke.

Gabe smiled. "No. It would have been funny to mess with you two but no! I had no idea that you guys knew each other and this... I have no idea. So, our dads are dating. So, what now?"

Lucian smiled. "Sleepover?"

Kevin laughed as Wade glared at his son. "No. We are going home."

"Come on, Dad. We don't have sex. We just cuddle. It's the best sleep. I hate trying to sleep in my bed without Gabe." Lucian sighed. "I have trouble sleeping and it's Friday. And I'm not at a party getting some chick pregnant! Hey, it's not like Gabe can get pregnant!"

Wade laughed. "We will think about it. So... are you okay with us?" He leaned into Kevin.

Lucian shrugged. "I think so. I'm just freaked out a little that you are with my boyfriend's dad!"

"You guys are old enough to not be affected. You wouldn't be step brothers or anything." Kevin smiled.

"Oh! No! That would be bad." Gabe just laughed. He wrapped around Lucian and chuckled. "Hey, let's leave these two alone. We have things to kill. Oh, we are going to the gym in the morning. Love you, Dad." He stood up and pulled Lucian from the room. "Let's give them space."

Lucian sighed. "Our dads are getting it on!"

"Shut up!" Gabe smiled as he turned his system on and gathered controllers. His dad looked happy. They both just laughed on the floor for ten minutes at how ridiculous this night was and no one was dying so Gabe was thrilled.

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