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Lucian sat in class a month after the funeral. His first Christmas without his mother was awful and they just slept through it. Now, school seemed less important. It sucked. It was cold and snowy outside and he hated listening to people laughing in the halls. He felt like a snake was wrapped around his chest all the time. He couldn't breathe most of the time. And there was no escaping it.

His dad began working overtime. He was never home. Lucian was alone. He sat at the stupid lunch table with his school lunch. This sucked. His mother was a chef and always made him delicious lunches. He missed them too. He just inhaled and wiped a tear.

"Dude!" Jonah plopped down. "I just heard. There is a party this weekend at that slut's house...uh...that one that wants you so bad. Martha Frost. I think. Anyway, maybe we can go and get laid!"

Lucian nodded and pretended he wanted that. Things had changed for him. He no longer felt like the rest of them. He felt alienated. He wasn't sure how to describe it but he was different. Parties, homework, learning about anything were all less important. His future wasn't important. These people that he called friends, they weren't. None of them showed up for his mom's funeral. For him. Not even Jonah. Gabe did and that confused him.


"Sure? Come on! You can get some pity sex! Sweet! She will eat that up!" Jonah was oblivious to feelings. He rambled on about the fucking party that Lucian didn't want to go to. No one understood.

Lucian ignored his friend and looked around the room. Everyone was babbling and going on about nothing important. Laughing and he saw someone toss a grape at someone else. More laughter.

His eyes landed on Gabe. The one person that wasn't laughing. Come to think of it, Gabe never even smiled. Lucian couldn't remember the last time he saw Gabe smile. His chest squeezed again. This was familiar.

Gabe looked up and saw Lucian staring at him. Gabe looked back down. He tried to stay off of Lucian's radar. He didn't want trouble. He sat with a table full of idiots that he had nothing in common with. None of them knew. He felt like an alien here.

He looked up again and Lucian was still staring with those gorgeous gray eyes. They were silver gray and very pretty.

Gabe looked around to make sure he was looking at him. There was just a wall behind him so...What in the fuck did he want? He left the funeral when Lucian asked, but stayed in the back. He had to say his goodbyes to Fiona. What a sweet woman to have such a mean son. He wondered if she knew why Lucian was mean.

Lucian was hot though. Gabe always thought so. He was kind of short but his body was nice. They had gym class and he saw the nice muscles from weightlifting and football. That was over for him now. He hoped that Lucian didn't let those muscles go because he looked so sexy...what was he doing just now? No way in hell he would have a crush on Lucian!

Not happening so those hormones can just slow down.

Lucian had dark hair and pretty gray eyes. They were stormy now but when he smiled...mmm. They were bright silver/gray. His smile had this smirk in it that was just bone melting. It was never aimed at him but...still. He enjoyed it secretly. Lucian was short by a few inches but Gabe loved short guys...mmm. He had to stop. He looked back at his plate. No way in hell!

Gabe was pretty sure he was hot. The girls wouldn't leave him alone. He was six-three and had a lot of muscle. He was in good shape. His face wasn't bad. He had his mother's eyes and he loved that. They were blue and soft. His lashes were long and the girls always commented about that. His hair was curly, thanks to his dad, and it was usually crazy. He tried to keep it shorter so the big curls were in some control. It didn't help. Right now it was in need of a cut. A curl just bounced off his forehead.

Lucian tried to look away from Gabe. He hated that kid. Man? He looked more like a man. His skin was flawless and toned. Today he wore a white dress shirt that hugged his arms. Man, those were well developed arms!

The shirt bulged around the muscle. He wore rings on his hands and had some earrings. His nose was pierced and usually had a silver ring in it. His jeans always fit just right. He watched dark curls bounce off Gabe's forehead.

"Dude? Are you even listening? And who are you staring at?" Jonah was back and talking. "Gabe Brown?"

Lucian turned quickly. "What? No! Nothing! I wasn't staring at anyone. I was watching those idiots throwing food and hoping they got in trouble!" He hoped that worked. Shit! Was he staring at Gabe? Why would he do that? Okay, he wasn't analyzing that or dwelling on it. He pretended to be interested in conversation.

Gabe sat in his Chemistry class with his best friend, Keeley and his gay nerdy friend, who was fiercely loyal, Logan Davis. He was short and just adorable but Gabe wasn't attracted to him. They already discussed it. They were just friends and happy to stay that way.

And that gay nerdy friend title was given to Logan by Logan. He didn't care that he was gay and short. Logan was very cool like that and some guy would be lucky to be with Logan. That boy would never cheat.

He was quiet most of the time and only liked having serious four hour conversations. He never did small talk so Gabe didn't really hang around him much. He was sure that Logan stayed near him to stay off Lucian's radar. Gabe was fine with that too. Once in a while he enjoyed four hour conversations on gravity and it's weaknesses? Those made him chuckle.

"Hey, Gabe? Are we going to that party Saturday?" Keeley smiled.

"No!" Gabe groaned. He hated parties.

"Come on. You need to loosen up!" Keeley glared at her friend.

"Is Logan coming?" Gabe looked around. Class was starting.

Logan shook his head. "I will be out of town with my dad."

Gabe looked at Logan. "Traitor!"

Keeley bounced in her seat. "Come with me. You're coming. I don't know why I'm asking. You're coming. Come ...yes, you are. I made the decision!" She turned in her chair and the discussion was over.

It wasn't really a discussion at all. Why does she even ask me things? She is so bossy. Good luck finding a man to put up with that!

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