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Gabe sat with Lucian at lunch, at a neutral table. "So, Gabe? What college did you get into? Are you going to school?"

Gabe got a little quiet. They had never talked about the future. "I'm going to the community college close by and staying at home. It's cheaper for me. What about you?"

Lucian smiled. "Are you kidding! Since Mom... I choose the community college option too! I wanted to stay with my dad, close to home."

Gabe smiled. "So, we're staying here, together?"

Lucian nodded. "Yes!" His face broke into a smile. "I guess we are! Man, that's a load off my mind. I was so scared that you would run off and I would never see you again!"

Gabe shook his head. "Nope. This is my home, Lucian."

Lucian smiled. "Gabe..."

"Are you going to be cheesy!" Gabe smiled.

Lucian blushed as he smiled back at Gabe. "Maybe... I was going to say that you are my home!"

Gabe smiled. "I love cheesy!"

"Me too. Oh, we are going on a date Friday night." Lucian smiled.

"Not even asking me? I could be so busy..." Gabe was going to continue but Lucian grabbed his face and kissed him.

Most of the people in the lunchroom were staring. News of Lucian and Gabe even got to the teachers, none of them believed it either and they all stared. Lucian was entertained.

"Everyone is staring!" Gabe blushed.

Lucian laughed. "I don't care. This is so tame compared to what we did this morning in bed. Are you blushing?"

Gabe laughed and covered his face.

Lucian leaned in and pulled his face to his. "I love it when you blush. Everywhere!"

Gabe blushed redder. "Shut up!" They both chuckled.

Keeley, Logan and Jonah all watched Gabe and Lucian cuddle and laugh together. Actually, all eyes were on them. They were the perfect couple. Really. 

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