Meeting The Girls and Dinner Dates

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Lucinda and Kai had arrived, gotten to know some of the boys, sent a selfie to the girls with the boys and they were waiting for the girls to come back

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Lucinda and Kai had arrived, gotten to know some of the boys, sent a selfie to the girls with the boys and they were waiting for the girls to come back. Or for them to also have an alone chat away from the boys before the girls got back. Kai was mostly nervous about the girls coming back.


Kai and Lucinda had their glasses of water as they walked over to the Day Beds to have a chat about the boys that were sat not over 20 metres away from them.

"So what do we think?" Lucinda asked Kai as they sat on the beds to get away from the boys.

"I feel like I'm most attracted to Liam and Hugo. They are both really nice but I don't know if Hugo is as cheeky as I like them. I know Liam is after the height thing at the start." Kai told her about the boys. "Wait, why are you saying it like that?"

"That's good that's really good." Lucinda told her. 

"Cos obviously you really like Brad." Kai told the girl smirking at her a bit.

"I like Brad. I like Toby and I actually sort of like Aaron. Like I get along with him so well." Lucinda told her about the boys she likes the most.

"He is absolutely stunning." Kai told her agreeing with her statement.

"You know who else I really like? Hugo" Lucinda told Kai as she nodded along. Agreeing again. "He's really lovely."

"Yeah, I know. He's like. I feel like he would be easy to talk to but I don't know if he is like cheeky enough especially for my personality, which is extremely cheeky." Kai told Lucinda as she took drink of her water.

"I like do want to get to know everybody and see their personality as it is very important to me. But I do have some guys that I want to get to know more. Also Liam's height. Who gave him permission to be that tall." Kai said as she sat in the Beach Hut and she looked around the camera. "I'm probably going to pull everyone to the side and get to know them and then go from there."

"Wait." Kai said as she and Lucinda turned the the guys who they heard mention both of their names.

"Are you guys whispering as well?" Lucinda called out to them as Kai cheekily glared at Liam and Hugo as she heard one of them.

"Hun now they know we were whispering about them." Kai told Lucinda as she laughed at her giving them up.

"No, I don't know what you're on about. Not us." Jake said as he pointed to himself and Aaron, but that doesn't excuse the other boys.

"Yes you are." The two girls told the boys.

"You trying to listen in?" Hugo called out to them as they all laughed.

"No, I was just getting some water." Aaron told them and Kai just shook her head as she turned around.

"What do you think they're talking about?" Kai asked Lucinda as they both turned away from the boys. "Wait never mind. Us." The two girls just smiled at them.

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