Who's Going Home?

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Kai was with the girls hugging Liberty

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Kai was with the girls hugging Liberty. Before she hugged Jake and Liam stole her. They were all feeling the love and Liam picked her up as he planted a kiss on her lips.


Kai ended up in the kitchen with Hugo, Lucinda and Liam. All of them loving the night they have just had. Even though it isn't over.


She ended up pulling Liam for a chat. She sat on the swings with him. They mostly just sat talking about their family and their home lives and what they do day to day. Kai also told Liam about how she was going to be a pro on strictly later that year. He ended up picking her up and spinning her around for a few seconds before he gave her a snog.

They stayed together for a few minutes just cuddling before Aaron and Hugo stole him so Lucinda and Chloe joined her on the swing.


When they were all getting ready for bed Kai took her time getting ready for bed with the the girls laughing and having fun with them

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When they were all getting ready for bed Kai took her time getting ready for bed with the the girls laughing and having fun with them.


Before they both brushed their teeth together laughing with each other.


Then she walked down with Chloe holding her hand before she walked into the bedroom.


"That's my name!" Abi said as she looked at the area at the base of the bed. Before Kai hit Liam on the head with her pillow as he laughed at her.


The she snuggled into Liam's chest.

Before she heard Jake say "Thank you for all of your help on a big night. Thank you!" Jake yelled at them.


Once the lights were off, Kai and Liam were still awake for quite some time after as she and Liam made out for a while with a lot of the other romance couples did the same.

Before they both fell asleep just wrapped up in each others arms.


The next morning, Kai woke up to Liam placing a kiss on her lips as the lights turned on.

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