Every Unseen Moments

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AN: Right please request different things for Kai and Liam when they are out of the villa. And a bit of an order for me to do them in.


Kai ended up getting lost in the Villa, on her way to the boys with Lucinda. When she got to the boys she told them. "Sorry We're a bit late I got lost." Which caused them to die with laughter.


Kai was seen staring at Liam's abs as he leaned back at the fire pit. Especially as she was sat next to him. "Some of you are much fitter in real life."

"Wait so Chuggs has gone home. You know what, I've matched with Chuggs on a dating app before Love Island in lock down 1.0. And he went on about bucket hats." Kai told the group making them laugh at her face.

"Did you buy one?" Hugo asked her.

"No, I don't look good in bucket hats." Kai told them.


Kai tried the pepper as she told Liam "I like them a bit soft." Before she bit into it and there was an audible crunch. Causing them both to laugh. "I won't judge you on if you can cook or not don't worry."


Kai and Lucinda were bickering over the way to use a knife and fork properly. Before they looked up to they boys and they saw Brad and Liam still stood there messing about a bit.


Kai and Lucinda were talking. And they wanted lip gloss and Kai had SUFA, Sweaty Upper Face Alert. They just laughed at they were alone on the day bed.


Kai was laughing at the way Brad says 'Water' he really said it the way American's thought Brits say it. With no 't'.


Kai was sat with Jake chatting before a bug came at them and she ran away down the the gym laughing, and screaming at the bug coming at her.


"I knew a girl who could orgasm from her ear being sucked." Kai told the girls as they were on the day bed.


It was Kai against big flying bugs. A fun segment. She was sat on the day beds today minding her own business as a thingy, a flying thingy came up to her as she ran off screaming. She ended up running and hiding behind the giant that is Liam as he was stood in the kitchen with some of the girls.

"There's a massive fucking bug on the day bed, it came at me." Kai told them as they laughed and chuckled at her.


Kai was with the Naughty Little Trio. "What about You and Liam, K?" Chloe asked her.

"He made me an iced tea this morning. It was really nice." Kai said as she pointed to Lucinda as the remembered the one from the day before.

"What's the crack with Brad?" Lucinda asked Chloe. "He calls people Bonnie lasses." Lucinda said as Kai had to hold in her giggles. I actually need to ask him what that actually means." Lucinda didn't know where the hell he was even from.

Before she mentions the mothers meetings Brad has with his mates when they have coffee and make cake together.

Kai mentioned how he was a bit of a bake like she was as well.


Kai was walking inside not noticing Toby hidden in the curtains. As she walked past, he jumped out. Causing her to scream so loud it was like she was being murdered.

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