The Hideaway

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Kai was making her water in front of Liam so he made sure that she would drink it

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Kai was making her water in front of Liam so he made sure that she would drink it. Then she passed him a drink. Before she sat down on his lap.

Then there was a text. Another from Kai's phone. "I've got a text!" Kai yelled out. Kai cackled before she read the text. "Liam and Kai, As the winners of today's challenge, you get to spend the night in the hideaway. #letsgetiton #turnuptheheat" As she said 'Hideaway' Kai just laughed and there was cheering from the other islanders.

Liam came up to her like he was about to pick her up. "I have no shorts on. I know you would like the view but I'd flash everyone else." He stopped in his tracks and spun her around in his arms.

As she turned around she saw him do a mini dance as she grabbed her water. Knowing she would need to drink it.

"I'm excited to be able to have one on one time with him. Like there's no one around." Kai told the Beach Hut with a coy smile.

Lucinda and Chloe came up and grabbed each of her hands with Liberty following behind a bit after with the other girls trailing.

"Where have you two been?" Kai asked both Faye and Teddy as she came and pulled the girls hand with her.


"Right what the fuck do I wear?" Kai said as she walked into the dressing room having just gone to the bathroom. All the girls were sat in there waiting.

"Lingerie!" Was the group consensus as Liberty, Faye, Chloe, Kaz and Lucinda all yelled.

"Let's get you ready gurl!" Kaz said as she saw the girl open her drawer.


Kai walked back in in the set she had chosen with Liberty and Faye

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Kai walked back in in the set she had chosen with Liberty and Faye. All the girls mouths dropped at her.

"Fucking hell you really do have a dancers body." Kaz shouted.


Kaz sprayed her with perfume as she hadn't put the set on above the lingerie yet. Before she put on the pyjama's to hide her from the boys.

As she knew Liam wouldn't want her to show that much to the boys.


She walked down the stairs first with Lucinda following her and the other girls going down in twos.

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