Raunchy Races

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Liam was talking with Jake about what he would be doing. He didn't want to talk to the girls. He just wanted to be back with Kai, normally he would have had her with him for most of the day. Jake was trying to get him to go and talk with Lillie the girl who gave him a lap dance.

"I just don't want to ruin anything. I'm exclusive Jake. I can't be doing that stuff, we both agreed and promised to not to talk to someone with romantic interest unless we spoke to the other." Liam told him standing his ground.

"Yeah well she will not find out. This is Casa Amor, it's not like they will try to ruin some relationships." Jake told him, how wrong he was. "You can talk to her and get to know her without romantic interest."

"Yeah but she would not think that. The girl would just flirt and I'm not putting myself through another laying it on thick other then Kai. I'm never gonna hurt her and try it on with anyone other then Kai when I get back home." Liam told him as he stood up and did a handshake thingy with Jake before he left downstairs and he walked straight into the bedroom to try to find Teddy.



Kai was sat with the girls

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Kai was sat with the girls. "Casa Amor. And now it's my time, so guess what!" Kaz started with them. "We need to go to bed at some point. So I just wanna know...."

"Especially when we already have connections with guys in the villa, to then get in bed with a guy that we've just met just feels a bit strange?" Abi told them all. With Toby gone Kai was really liking spending time with Abi, she was a sweet girl when Toby had disappeared and wouldn't steal her in the middle of chats.

"Yeah, I definitely do not wanna sleep next to a boy." Kai told them, she just wanted to have Liam back in bed with her.

"It's just too soon isn't it." Abi nodded at Kai's words.

"I feel like I just got into bed with a boy I really really like." Kaz started. "And if I got into bed with another boy, I'd kinda wanna really really like him more than Ty."

"Like, I feel like me and Liam are just at a point now, where I'm just comparing everyone to him, and I'm not interested in anybody at all." Kai told them all. "It would just be disrespectful on my end to sleep in a bed with someone else."

"What do you think the boys are gonna do?" Abi asked them all.

"I think Liam, Teddy and Jake would be on the day beds or what ever they have." Kai told her. She also hoped Tyler would be there but he hasn't been with Kaz that long. She had no faith in Toby.

"Why id it so damn early days? I really like him. I'm just scared." Kaz confided in the three girls. "But I'm not scared as I do trust him, but at the same time I'm just like 'grrrrrrrrrrr'!"




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