Intervention and Voting

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Liam walked Kai into the bedroom, walking over to his wardrobe space as he grabbed his bomber jacket and placed it on her knowing she would get cold soon

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Liam walked Kai into the bedroom, walking over to his wardrobe space as he grabbed his bomber jacket and placed it on her knowing she would get cold soon.

Before he walked her outside and to the kitchen where Liberyt and Jake walked out a few minutes later.

"I can't deal right now I'm kind of flushed." Liberty told Liam and Kai. "I'll get you and Kaz and that and, oh my God."

"Babe..... Bye bye, she's stealing me. I'm being kidnapped." Kai told him.

"Kaz!" Liberty shoulder. "Word please. Faye! Come here!"

"Girls chat." Kai shouted getting the other girls to come with her. Liberty grabbing her hand walking her to the fire pit for girl talk with everyone.


When they all got to the fire pit they all sat around Liberty. "You guys are gonna be so proud of me. I literally went upstairs and I said how I felt and I didn't take no shit. And I literally just stood my ground. There was a lot of deflection going on at first. And I was like 'Just say to me how you feel,' And he was like 'You know what Lib, you make me feel ways that I didn't before. You make me nervous. I've never felt like that in my life. I say this to the lads and I can't say this to you." And then he goes 'I do love you.'" Liberty told them. Kai's thought's dropped. "So, like, obviously he said them words to me. I just feel so happy, and I feel like, you know, it was a tough conversation. Basically he'd been holding this in for ages and feel like he couldn't say it."

"I don't want you to hate me. But...." Chloe started.

"Do you think he just said it because it's what you want to hear?" For Kai to complete her sentence.

"Is that what you all guys think?" Liberty asked the girls.

"I don't know. I don't know baby." Faye told her.

"Everything we spoke about on the swing, did you have that conversation before he let you know how he feels, or did that conversation not happen?" Kaz asked her.

"Yeah, we had that conversation, so I literally said, 'This this this. This is how I feel.' Obviously I felt really happy when he said that. Do you think I'm being an idiot?" Liberty asked them.

"I don't know, cos, I don't think he would say something if he didn't mean it." Chloe said.

"Don't hate me cos I keep telling you this with Chloe. But isn't it convenient that he said everything this evening after all of this?" Kai told her.

"Why didn't he say it yesterday or the day before?" Chloe finished.

"I don't know, I feel like that was a genuine moment." Liberty told them. It definitely wasn't.

"I'm really sorry. I can't be part of this conversation, cos I do not want to take away from you. I will lose my head babe." Faye told her as she hugged the girl. "And I love you so much...But I just can't right now."

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