Hearts Racing

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AN: I will do a Toby and Finn book. I have started on the Finn but I need to make a profile for the Toby one, please give me information to have in it. Like Age, name, job, information about her, tattoos, and just things about her and anything that you would want in the story. 

Matthew had just left the villa

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Matthew had just left the villa. And they knew that this would most likely be the final re coupling as they were leaving the villa in over a week.


Teddy made the toast. "To Matt. Honest guy, and, you know, wore his heart on his sleeve.And too many abs." Everyone laughed. "The most genuine lad. Very, very genuine. Yeah Matt gonna miss you."

Kai walked to the swings with Liam. "Did you like my speech?" Kai asked him as she cuddled into his chest.

"It was so nice. And I am overjoyed that I've stolen your heart from Nigel." Liam told her as she giggled and hid her face in his chest.

"Well you have. It's the truth." Kai told him as she rubbed her nose against his.

"I will have to come up with a load of places to show you around Merthyr Tydfil and you better come up with some nice places to show me in Nice." Liam told her as they relaxed on the swing.

"Yeah. I have a few places ready to take you in my head. But you will have to meet the rest of my family, which is very big." Kai told him.

"And I will meet them. I want to meet the people that raised you to be so fucking perfect." Liam told her as he kissed her forehead.

"You missed." Kai told him with a pout.

"Oh, how did I miss?" Liam asked her sarcastically.

"You missed." She just told him before he kissed her forehead, her two eyelids. Then her cheeks then her chin and jaw before finally snogging her. "Finally bub."

Liam just laughing at her, as she ruined the moment for once.


Kai was on the day bed with the girls as Liam walked off with Tyler and Jake. Who Liam still wasn't on the best of terms with.

"Yeah, but I don't think he'll want to be inside with the four graduated couples." Kai told Priya and Kaz with Brett there, the boy just being so confused at her statement.


Kai and Liberty, were both involved in Tyler asked Kaz to be exclusive as they were the two girls closest to Kaz. They saw Jake and Liam walk out of the villa, so they knew to get her away to start the proposal.

"Kaz!" The two girls said in unison, laughing.

"You know what we haven't got a picture tonight of us three like we have done, these past few days." Liberty told her.

"We need a picture."Kai told her.

"Do you two want a picture?" Kaz asked them both.

"Yeah, come on." Liberty said as the three girls stood up and walked to the fire pit.

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