Their Story/ Most Memorable Moments

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Liam and the boys were sat around as they got a text. 'Hi boys, We've heard that you are alone in the villa.... So we are on our way. See you soon. Love Lucinda and Kai xx'


"I'm Kayleigh, but call me Kai. If you do call me Kayleigh I will not hesitate." Kai said as she got closest to the first boy. Before Lucinda did the same and they introduced themselves to all of the boys.

There were two giants that when she hugged them she was lucky she was a few steps above them. She was just below their shoulders as they hugged. "Oh god. How tall are you." Kai said out loud as she looked up at Liam, the guy she had hugged last. "Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude. I am just a tiny person."

He just laughed it off.


"Oh God. So... For my starter I'm gonna choose Aaron. For the Main course I'll choose Liam. Then for my Dessert I will choose Hugo." Kai told everyone.


She told him as she smiled "Bloddy 6"6'. And personally I find that extremely attractive. I like very tall guys, especially compared to my height. I need someone like you, honestly."

"Need someone like me, yeah?" He questioned her. "I think I need someone like you."

"Do you?" Kai asked him as she looked at him. "What do you like about me?"

"I like your height for one. You are adorable all the time and you look like the perfect person for hugs and everything, and to pick up." Liam told her with a smirk on his face.

"I'll take you up on that at some point." Kai told him with a coy smile on her face.


Liam asked her with a coy smile on his lips. "I like a bit of spice. I also like a bit of sweetness, too. I've got a sweet tooth. I tend to nibble on things that are sweet."

"Do you? That sounds nice. Oh God you're making me blush." Kai told him as she hid her face being her hands.

"Come on show me that face of yours." Liam said as he grabbed her hands gently and pulled it away from her face.

"I feel giddy around you." Kai said as she looked into his eyes.

"That's good. I'm glad you do." Liam told her with a kind smile on his face as he looked into her eyes, deeply. "You make me feel the same way. You are very very attractive. It's very eye catching and distracting."


"You smell very nice by the way. I keep getting whiffs of it after the hug we had." Kai told him as she smelt his aftershave again. "It's great."

"It smells nice in bed as well." Liam added and this caused Kai to die of his boldness, but she likes that in a guy, to be bold with her.

"Maybe I can get to know that." Kai told him with a small smirk on her face.

"Maybe soon you will." Liam told her as he saw her play with two rings on her fingers. "You will yeah"

"You're a bit sweaty, Aren't ya?" Kai told him. As she dragged the tip of her nail across his peck.

"It's a bit oily, really." Liam told her as she leaned back on the chair.

"I've been giving the compliments here right now." Kai told him as she giggled with him. "I feel like I'm putting it on too much."


She was the first in the bedroom and when she saw Liam she ran through the doors back outside. She did need to grab her water bottle.

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