Brad Or Lucinda

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Faye got the next text

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Faye got the next text. "The couple with the fewest votes and therefore facing that decision is.... Brad and Lucinda." Kai held her hand over her mouth as she gasped. She was shitting herself over Lucinda maybe leaving her.

Liam kept his hands in hers as he felt her panicking. He knew how she was scared of losing the girl she had walked in there with.

Kai didn't want that. Her best friend. The girl she came in here with could be going home.

But she had one of her Bitches remaining.


As Brad and Lucinda walked away from the group. Liam crouched in front of Kai. "Hey, it's alright. She still might not be going." liam whispered to her as he saw the tears down her face at maybe loosing Lucinda.

"I'm scared about not having her in the villa to see every day and go 'Really' at me when I tell her something. Or for you to say it in her accent." Kai whispered to him. She giggled a bit but she was just not in the best mood.

Liam smiled at her and kissed the tip of her nose before giving her a peck on the lips before they sat together, with practically her on top of him as he hugged her so close to him.


Lucinda and Brad walked over to the group. Kai was tightened in Liam's hold as he felt her heart rate increase from worry. 

"Lucinda's gonna be staying and I'm going." Brad told her before Jake ran at him. Kai stood up in a mix of happiness for Lucinda staying but she had built a brother and sister bond with Brad and she were gonna miss him.

Kai was the first with her arms around Lucinda and seeing her cry set her off further then she was. "What do I do?" Lucinda told her as she walked and she walked over to the edge of the group.

Kai hugged him as she cried a bit into his hug. "I'm gonna miss you brother. You'll have to message me when I'm out. Promise me." He wrapped a finger around her. Liam joined they hug as he whispered to Brad. And Kai was then stood in Liam's arms as she held onto Lucinda and Chloe's hands.

"It's one of them things. I can go back to doing what I do. It's a massive opportunity for Cind to do what she can do." Kai heard brad say as she was let go by Liam to hug Lucinda.


Kai squatted in front of Lucinda and Chloe with the fire behind her. She was lucky she had no hair spray in her hair or she would combust.

"She didn't even speak to me." Lucinda broke down crying. She had noticed Faye hadn't been there.

"He was never gonna let you leave." Kai told her with a shake of her head.

"No way. And that whole thing was out of your control." Chloe told her pointing to the front of the fire pit where she had been stood prior.


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