Faye & Talent Show

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AN: I am thinking about doing some chapters after they exit the Villa, so please can you recommend some moments to write about, like Liam meeting Kai's family. Or then them moving in together or other stuff.

Once Priya and Brett had left, Kai and Liam walked outside

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Once Priya and Brett had left, Kai and Liam walked outside. "I think Faye is gonna find out who voted for her." Kai whispered to him as they walked through the bedroom. Before they walked to the fire pit with Jake and Liberty and Kaz and Tyler. 

"I love you guys so much, and I was scared that I'd be separated from you all, and , you know, we're good...." Liberty started. 

"It was horrible seeing you up there." Tyler told her

"I'm glad to be here!" Liberty finished. 

"Horrible seeing you up there, not gonna lie." Tyler said again. 

"If they'd put a heart rate monitor on me then pfft..." Liam said. 

"More then I made your heart race?" Kai asked him. 

"No, still less." Liam told her giving the crown of her head a kiss. 

"You would have been finished." Tyler told the other giant of the villa. 

"Finished, bro." Liam told him. 


"I do feel like I'm gonna have to have a conversation with Faye and bite the bullet." Liberty revealed. "I just feel like I can't be fake with her."

"You don't have to say anything!" Tyler told them, Kai nodding.

"She's not gonna go around saying who she voted for." Kai told them. "Like that would get her in shit with people, and if she asked us two then I have plenty of reasons that she has told me soooooo." 

"Exactly." Liam nodded with his girlfriend. 

"Lib, if she asked you, you're not gonna lie. If she doesn't say anything about it though...." Kai told the blonde girl

"But I wouldn't bring it up." Tyler finished, Kai nodded at the giant's words. 


"Lib, babe can we talk quickly." Kai asked the girl them walking quickly to the beanbags, before sitting down. "I just wanted to tell you now that I voted for you and Jake. I mostly voted on the premise of this last week, but I just wanted to tell you."

"Hey I'm not mad hun. I get why the vote was given to us. I'm not mad. It's fine." Liberty reassured her. 

"Yeah, but I just wanted you to know before anything else came out." Kai told her before they hugged and walked back holding hands to the group. 

She nodded at Liam before sitting down.


"Would you ask?" Kai asked the group, well mostly Liberty and Jake. "Are you gonna go and ask?"

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