3 New Arrivals

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The six moved and stood in genders

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The six moved and stood in genders. The girls hand in hand.

Lucinda got the text: "Only one boy and one girl will be going home tonight. That decision is in the hands of your fellow Islanders." Kai was scared. If the boys wanted AJ to stay longer as she was the newest girl on of the Naughty Little Trio would be leaving.


Kai got the text. Kai let out a breath at what she read. "Kai, Liberty, Kaz and Faye, you must now decide which boy to dump from the island."

Aaron got the text. "Aaron, Liam, Jake and Hugo, you must now decide which girl to dump from the island."


Kai and Kaz moved around to Liberty and Faye.

"I don't want to send someone home just cos they're the last person in and we haven't had a chance to get to know them." Faye told them.


"I don't want him to leave because he makes you happy and you make him happy." Kaz said Kai nodded, she couldn't send Teddy home.


"He has been genuinely lovely to all of us." Faye said before adding. "Apart from Kai."

"I don't want my problems with him to change your choice." Kai told them all, not making them send him home if they don't want to.

"But he does make you uncomfortable." Liberty said.


"I don't see he's being real." Kai said about one of the boys


"It's an easy decision made." Faye started with the girls.


Hugo was up to say which girl was leaving. "The girl the boys have decided to dump from the island is... AJ"

Kai was least affected by her leaving. She was glad her two girls were sticking around.


Kai stood up to tell everyone which boy was leaving. "I removed myself from the conversation of who to dump as my choice would be obvious but we girls all agreed on a decision. So the boy we would like to dump from the island is.... Danny."

The two newest people to the villa would be leaving.


Kai walked up to AJ, giving her a massive hug. Still knowing she would miss her a lot she was a big part of her realising her true feelings for Liam.

She stood with Liam, after him giving her a peck on the lips, her wanting to talk to Danny alone. But only for a second before they packed up their stuff and left. 


Kai was stood with Danny outside in the kitchen.

"I'm sorry. But I'm never going to forgive you for what you did, but I am sorry you will be going home." Kai told him as the counter separated them.

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