Suck The Egg

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AN: In the Hearts Racing Challenge: should Kai be a sexy school girl or have an outfit like Millie originally had, please comment your opinion: I'm leaning more towards Sexy School Girl, but I want your opinion.

Trigger Warning on this Chapter. As Kai mentions Rape and Sexual Assault. Will put this in areas of the talk. ⚠️

The girls made their way down

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The girls made their way down. They grabbed Kai in the dressing room as they all walked down.

They walked down and Kai was shitting herself. What if Liam like her more and when she told him her secret it would make him change his feelings about her. As it had done in a past relationship.

"Eyes on the prize boys." Liam heard the girl he had come to fall for say to the girls in a giggle as of of the girls appeared from the terrace.

"I'm Kai." Kai told The new girl, who she learned was AJ.

As Liam came up to her. "Hey, you alright. I saw you go missing up there." Liam asked her with concern in his eyes.

"A bit iffy. I just had myself rattled a bit." Kai told him as she got more and more scared as she went on.

"Hey. You don't have anything to worry about. We will have the talk later if you still want to tell me. And it won't change how I feel about you." Liam told her.

She hugged him before he gave her a few pecks before he was taken away by the boys.


"So tell us a bit about yourself." Lucinda asked new girl AJ.

"So. I'm 28. I'm half English, half Filipino. I've been single for about 2 and a half years. I'm definitely ready to find like a man. I am a girls girl so I will be honest with you girls. I'm not here for games. I am here to find someone. I'll be 100 with you girls." AJ told them all.

"I feel like we can all say we really appreciate that." Faye said with a laugh.

"She's petite but not as petite as Kai. She is definitely a good few inches above Kai." Faye mentioned in her Beach Hut speech.


"Cheers to AJ, your first night with the girls." Liberty said as they all clinked their glasses together.


Kai was with Liam. She was building up her confidence to tell him.


Before she then was pulled by Faye and Lucinda for a chat. Which would relax her before she went to talk to him.

"I don't wanna sound big headed but I do rate myself above..." Faye started.

"Above her." Kai asked her. "I mean it doesn't make you big headed."

"I was a lot more worried when you two girls come in." Faye said. Which made Kai better as it made her realise how much the girls were worried just due to her looks.

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