Priya and Aaron Number 2

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"So.... Abi, Kaz, Mary, Dale, Jake and Tyler. You all received the fewest votes from the public and are all vulnerable. However only one boy and one girl will be going home today." Laura told them. "And that decision is in the hands of your fellow Islanders." Kai's heart dropped at this. She knew what would happen. The boys would dump one girl and the girls would dump one boy.


"Boys, you must now choose one girl to dump from the island." Laura told them. Fucking knew it "And girls, you must now choose one boy to dump from the island." No one liked this. "And remember those who you choose to dump will leave immediately, without returning to the villa. You may now discuss your decisions." She told them between the two sentences leaving an eternity.

The girls all gathered to the left as they sat at the bar. To play pick and choose of who stays between the boys.


"How are you feeling right now?" Faye asked Liberty. They just knew who would be going as they couldn't split Kaz and Tyler. And they couldn't spilt Liberty and Jake.

"Obviously, when Jake said those words, my heart was in my stomach." Liberty told them all.


"He's like another brother to me in here, and I love him to bits." Faye told the girls. "It'll be really hard for me just to turn my back on that."


"He was fake." Liberty said mentioning Tyler.

"But we have to think, he has a big connection with Kaz." Kai told them all, thinking of romantic connections.

"Like obviously, he didn't handle the situation well at all." Liberty finished.

"I don't feel like he's had a chance in here, and that's me being brutally honest." Faye told them all.


"The way he dealt with Casa Amor was wrong. He dealt with it so badly." Faye told them, talking again about Tyler.

But Kai just couldn't send him home as he has a romantic connection with Kaz. Whereas, Dale doesn't have a big connection with any of the girls.


"He is Liam's best friend." Kai told them, also thinking about how the boys will think of the boy they dump from the island.

"He hasn't got to know any of us." Faye said, going back to Dale.

"And it's not like he hasn't had the opportunity to get to know any of us." Kai told them all, agreeing with Faye.


"Shall we do a vote?" Liberty asked.

"No, we don't need to." Faye told her.

"We don't need one." Kai told them.

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