Island Vibes Club

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And I want to have a bite I have four options: Finn 2020, Toby 2021, Alex 2016 or Michael 2019. I'm leaning towards doing the Finn book.

AN: They talk about Rape, and Jake being a inconsiderate about Kai being Raped.

The next morning when all of the islanders woke up, Kai was snuggled into Liam's chest, just wanting to go back to sleep, buried in his warmth

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The next morning when all of the islanders woke up, Kai was snuggled into Liam's chest, just wanting to go back to sleep, buried in his warmth.

She felt him chuckle as he felt her bury her head in his chest. "You're very comfortable, I don't wanna move." Kai told him.

"Well you don't have to." Liam told her as he wrapped his arms around her, kissing the crown of her head. Kai giggling feeling a lot better after the prior nights antics, with the Teddy and Faye argument, Jake and Kai's fight that seemed like nothing compared to that fight.


Toby asked from the bed next to them. "How did you sleep, Liam?"

"Way to start the day. Start it with a bang." He told Toby and well everyone. Before Kai started to chuckle. "Just like you."

Then Teddy came into the bedroom. "Morning Ted." Kai told him before he walked to the door to get outside.

"Morning K." Teddy told her. "See you in a bit."


The girls made their way upstairs and out onto the terrace, Liam giving Kai her a fruit salad and iced tea for the morning.

"Morning Girls." Chloe started of the conversation once the boys had left the terrace.

"How are you feeling angel?" Faye asked Liberty who was really affected by Jake's videos.

"Jake saying that comment, has, like, affected me. Because I am a confident person, I am outgoing, I am bubbly, this is probably my one thing that is my weakness, and I had to face that last night." Liberty told them all.



"You're leading with your looks, your personality, your heart, everything. That's what you need to get in your head." Mary told them all. "I'm a ten out of ten and I back it 100%"

"Next on the agenda, Kai, our darling, we're you ok last night, we saw Liam run off to get you." Chloe told her as she moved to sit next to the tiny girl and put her arm around her shoulders.

"Well I just want to say I'm sorry to you girls for not telling you about him." Kai told them as tears welled in her eyes. As they girls all came and sat by her, mainly the girls who were there with Danny in the villa.

"Why are you apologising?" Liberty asked her, confused, they understand why she didn't tell anyone.

"It was just Jake saying some stuff last night, I don't think he believes me, he just couldn't stop thinking about how I endangered everyone, even after he saw what I told Liam, about another EX raping me, after I told him about what Danny had done to me. I never know how people will react and how Jake reacted is why I don't tell people." Kai told the girls tears gathering in her eyes as well but Chloe just wiped them away.

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