Sex Gods

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Kai woke up the next morning, with her face in Liam's chest, as she was lead fully on him

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Kai woke up the next morning, with her face in Liam's chest, as she was lead fully on him. His arms snuggly around her waist keeping her in place.

She woke up when the lights came on, burying her face even further into Liam's chest to take away any sort of light.

"Morning." Kia mumbled to her boyfriend.

"Good morning baby." Liam whispered back into her ear before kissing the top of her head.

"Maybe that's why it's not that bright, cos Dale's teeth aren't shining." Toby told them, Kai laughing as she sat up.


Then Teddy walked in. Before Kai got up to leave the room, Liam following , and once they were out of the bedroom near the stairs, Liam picked the girl up Koala style before he started snogging her. Once Liam took dominance over the snog, he squeezed Kai's ass.

"Get a room and give me my Kai Baby." One of the girls yelled from the top of the stairs.

"No, she's my Kai Baby." Liam yelled up to the person at the top of the stairs.

Before Kai and Liam laughed and Kai told them. "Cock block team, fucking hell." Before Liam let her get down and she walked off up the stairs.


The girls were out on the terrace. "Morning girls." Faye told them all.

"Morning Faye." All of the girls told her back.

"How are you feeling after your date?" Faye asked Mary, who she knew had a fancy for Aaron.

"Good. He's so fit. Like, he actually is so sexy. I was saying last night, I was talking to him, and he was like talking to me and I completely zoned out on what he was saying cos I was just thinking 'Oh you're so fit.'" Mary told them all.


"Will you be pulling him for a chat today, or are you gonna wait for him to pull you for a chat?" Kai asked the girl opposite her on the terrace.

Mary asked them. "Do you think I should wait for him to pull me?"

"Go for it" and "No" were the two answers she got from Chloe and Kai.

"Boys like it when girls stick it on em though." Chloe told them all. "It's the one thing we've learned in here, they love that shit."

"And you lot have got them practically all wifed off." Mary told them. "So that's great cos I'm the only option."

This made all of the girls laugh before Liam and some of the other boys stepped out with drinks. Liam also holding a fruit salad for her. "Was gonna have you eat this with me, but you've gotta stay up here now." Liam told her, making her pout. Before he gave her a peck before leaving with Aaron, who gave Mary her drink.

"Kaz how are you?" Liberty asked the girl.

"I'm just vibing. The main thing for me is, Ty and I aren't split up, so I spend all day with him anyway, and enjoy our time together, and I'm glad that we are both still here." Kaz told both of them.

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