Line of Booty

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Kai was sat on the bed with Faye, Rachel and Hugo as Sharon walked past and stole Faye away with Kaz

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Kai was sat on the bed with Faye, Rachel and Hugo as Sharon walked past and stole Faye away with Kaz.


"The new girls come in and he is top pick." Sharon told Faye and Kaz.

"Well, I know Kai doesn't like Aaron like that. She didn't have a top chat with him that was with Liam and Hugo." Faye told her clearing things up for Kai.


Kai was sat on the Day Bed before Rachel and Brad took it over and she left to the fire pit with Liberty and Lucinda.


"Drama, Drama, Drama

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"Drama, Drama, Drama." Kai heard Faye say as she took off her make up.

She was sat down removing it all before she walked to the bath room for running water.

Kai was changed and she was just removing the last of her makeup when she left the girls.


She was the first in the bedroom and when she saw Liam she ran through the doors back outside. She did need to grab her water bottle.

"Ahhhhhhh. Liam!" Kai yelled as he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her back into him as he saw that she wasn't even fully up to his chest. He grabbed her water bottle as he picked her up, and she was like a Koala, and walked her back into the empty bedroom before he threw her onto her bed before passing her her water bottle. Before she walked back into the dressing room to brush her teeth.


"No I'm not going in." Kai said as Lucinda pushed her in front and she was the first on in the bedroom, she had her teddy in her hands, his name is Nigel.

The two new girls walked in, which caused yells from the islanders as they were all in there and they walked to the end bed next to Sharon and Aaron. "Awwwwww, she's got a teddy." Kai heard Faye say with a smile, she knew she was only being cheeky and didn't mean anything.

"Yeah, what about Nigel?" Kai told her as she jumped into bed, before hearing the other islanders laughs at the name of her teddy, and she held her teddy up before she heard the 'goodnight's' from all of the islanders.

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