Is She or Isn't She?

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AN: I am releasing two new books this week. One a TWILIGHT Book called Piccola Principessa. The first chapters will be up later today. 

Kai was late on her period, and she didn't think much of it, sometimes she didn't get her period, like when she had been stressed, which she had been as shehad just finished the strictly season of 2022.

She just felt a rising feeling in her stomach that was off and she was out of bed in an instant, throwing her guts up, not waking Liam up from his slumber. She was kneeling next to the toilet as she stopped heaving. 

"Do I go to the doctor?" Kai asked herself as she looked into the mirror, grabbing the toothpaste and her toothbrush, starting to brush her teeth, removing the smell from her as she flushed the toilet. She shook her head and she walked back into the bedroom, that she shares with Liam and got back into bed. 

Cuddling up to her boyfriend she thought about all of the possibilities it could be. She snuggled into Liam's bare chest as she willed herself back to sleep. 


Kai was now getting changed, it was early in the morning but Toby, Chloe, Lucinda and Aaron Number 2 would be around soon. Chloe and Toby obviously arriving earlier.

She ran to the bathroom when she felt the urge to regurgitate again. Chloe arriving in this time, to see the couple with Toby. 

After she did her business she heard the door open and Chloe poked her head around the door. "What are you doing in here?" She asked the younger girl, who was sat on the floor in front of the toilet. "Are you sick?"

"It's just something. I don't think it's anything big." Kai told the girl. 

"Here." Chloe told her as she pulled out a box from her bag. 

Kai swallowed hard as she unpackaged the test. "Stay here with me while I do the test. Please." Kai asked the girl and she nodded before she sat down next to the sink and Kai took the test quickly. 

They then had the wait. They walked out of the bedroom and to the kitchen where all of their friends were sat with cups of tea or coffee, depending on preference. 

I mean it would be nice to have kids but is it too soon in their relationship, like they have been together for 1 and a half years but would it be too soon, or what would Liam even think about it. They all laughed before Chloe got Kai's attention. She nodded to the bathroom. "Back in a minute."

Chloe followed her into the bathroom and they looked at the test, it had been sat there for a while. And they knew none of the boys had gone to the bathroom upstairs as they would have to go through the kitchen and no guy had come into the kitchen all morning. 

Kai held her breath as she held onto the stick before she turned it over with Chloe on one shoulder. And they leaned on the counter as they turned over the stick. 

Two lines. Positive. 

Oh God. How the hell was Liam going to take the news, like what was gonna happen. 


It was Christmas Day 2022. And it was just Kai waking up Liam just for them to swap presents before their families came around for the day. 

Kai knew today she would tell Liam and then tell their families before they ate, as it would be shown in what she would drink. As the Christmas the year before they had all gotten very drunk. 

She took a breath as she looked across the bedroom to her handsome boyfriend, who was getting ready for the day, well grabbing the pyjamas for the unwrapping of gifts with their friends, grabbing her pyjamas and setting them out, as they, as they had spoken about in the villa, slept naked. 

She grabbed the five gifts. One for each of them. The biggest for Liam to surprise him with before the others would find out from their presents. 

She walked down and she heard their friends walk in and they sat in their pyjamas in the living room with cups of tea or coffee. 

"Right I want you all to open these at the same time." Kai asked her friends. 

"Ok?" Liam told her before he started to open the box he had been given. Not seeing that Kai was filming all of them with her phone. 

He started to open them and he saw nothing but another box. "What, babe these better not just be boxes." 

"It's not just keep going." Kai told him before she looked up to see Chloe, Toby, Aaron and Lucinda in tears themselves. Having found out but they kept it quiet. She filmed them before she nodded making them tear up even more. Chloe was still emotional even though she had already known. 

It took him another minute before he got to the bottom of the box. "Surprise. What is the surprise?" Kai heard Liam say.

Then she saw him keep opening it and he saw. "Open me?" Before he opened the tiny envelope and he saw a small slip of paper fall out. She saw him read this and his face slowly dropped. "Is this serious or are you fucking with me, because if you are."

"It's real

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"It's real." Kai told him, stopping his rambling as tears fell from Liam's eyes before he pulled the girl in for a hug spinning her around as he yelled "I'm gonna be a dad!" Toby having picked up the phone that was next to him and continued filming the moment. 

"Finally took you long enough." Chloe told the boy as they all had tear in their eyes as they cheered. 

"What?" Liam asked her, pulling Kai back on the ground. 

"We found out 5 minutes ago. While you were unwrapping the boxes." Chloe told him before they all got up and hugged the couple. 


It was lunch as so far Kai had avoided anyone realising that she was pregnant and avoiding alcohol. But she knew that they would find out soon. One way or another. 

They had just sat down and they grabbed the crackers. She didn't know which one the surprise was in and she cracked her two, winning the one against Liam. Before she grabbed her paper crown. 

And she placed it on her head while she head her mother say. "Oh mon putain de dieu!" She heard her mother say. 'Oh my fucking God!'

"Mum do you want to read that out?" Kai asked of her mother who was across the table.  

Her mother reading. "Guess who is not drinking at the table? Two guesses Kai or Kai. And Guess why? Baby on board or staying away from alcohol." 

"Well there's only one answer. Baby on board." Her grandmother told the table before Kai nodded and she heard everyone cheer at the table. 

"I'm going to be a grandmother." 

"I'm going to be a great grandmother." 

"I'm going to be a mother!"

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