Liam's Birthday

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Once Mary and Aaron had left the villa, it felt so empty. There were now only five couples left. They were the top five, one more would be going home before the final.

Kai was woken up by a text on her phone. "Kai, today is Liam's birthday we have some things in the kitchen for you. Get the islanders to keep Liam busy while you complete the mission in the flour. #birthdayboy #22" She read as she whipsered

Kai got out of bed, leaving Liam's arms easily as he was on his back, and his arm holding Nigel

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Kai got out of bed, leaving Liam's arms easily as he was on his back, and his arm holding Nigel.

"Tobias get up." Kai told the couple next to her. As they wouldn't wake up. "Outside now. Don't wake Liam up." Kai told him.

"Right so today is Liam's birthday. I have a mission for his birthday. But you need to all keep him out of the kitchen for the day. After breakfast, ok." Kai told them all. They all nodded before she told them. "Just pretend you're waking up normally when the lights come on, let's go back in." Kai added before they walked back inside.

"Happy Birthday Bub." Kai told the man in bed next to her.

Faye got a text. "I've got a text!" Before she continued. "Faye and Teddy, It's time for your final dat, please get ready to leave the villa. #rosetotheoccasion #balivibes" Faye read out from her phone.

"Don't leave me." Liam told her as they snogged.

"Let's go!" Faye said getting to Kai's bed, dragging her out of bed.


Kai got Faye ready for the day with the girls as she got dressed herself while Faye got in the shower

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Kai got Faye ready for the day with the girls as she got dressed herself while Faye got in the shower.


Kai and the girls all followed Faye down the stairs to Teddy and the boys. They waved to the two as they walked out of the villa.


"It's mad isn't it how quiet it's getting." Liberty told them.

"It's sad." Kai told her. "It feels really, really weird without Mary."

"Yeah, both Mary and Aaron were big personalities in the villa." Liberty told her.

"Right what are we doing for Liam's birthday?" Kaz asked Kai the big question.

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