Movie Night 2

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AN: Mentions of Rape, and an Islander being inconsiderate about Rape. Will have this ⚠️ between the moments.

It was still movie night, and Kai was so scared of what could be shown to the islanders if the boys chose a certain clip

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It was still movie night, and Kai was so scared of what could be shown to the islanders if the boys chose a certain clip. She knew which one was about her as it was called 'Run Kai Baby Run'.

Liam was scared at what the video was going to be. He wished it wasn't the worst case scenario of it being the Danny Drama.


The next to get the text was Abi. "On average, how often do men think about sex?" Abi read out from her phone. They guessed 'every 25 minutes', Kai said 6 seconds as her guess, but they didn't listen. It was every 7 seconds. They chose 'Tinker Tyler Soldier Pie.'

In the clip it was Tyler. Obviously. But in fucking Casa Amor. "Am I coming over to your bed then?" He asked Clarisse.

"I guess so. Well, you can have a good night." She told him back.

"Yeah, I'm looking forward to it babe." Tyler told her.

Kai and all of the girls eyes widened, that Tyler wanted to get into bed with her and she didn't ask he asked.

Then it showed them doing stuff in bed, mostly snogging.

Then another clip.

"Listen I'm here, man, I've known her four days. If that was on the outside world, that's four dates. I'm fully focused on the here and now and obviously that is another situation and a bridge that i'll cross when I get to it.I just want to lay one on you." Tyler told Clarisse. Before they snogged.

But it was something they kinda expected to see from the Casa Drama with Clarisse, Kaz and Tyler, they just got to see some of it.


The next to get the text was Liberty. "To the nearest hour, how long did the longest kiss without a break reportedly last for?" Liberty read out from her phone. They guessed '64 hours', Kai knew it as Jake had told her about it the other day. But the boys chose 60 hours. It was every 59 hours. The boys chose 'Run Kai Baby Run.'Kai's face dropped at this. Liam tried to get them not to pick the clip but they still picked it.


"Hey can we go have out chat?" Kai asked him as she took his hand and walked him up to the terrace as he nodded at her.

When they got up there Kai was sat next to him in the corner as he wrapped an arm around her.

"This might change your opinion on me. It did with my last relationship and I'm sorry for holding this back from you." Kai told him.

"Hey. It won't change my opinion of you." Liam told her gently.

"Ok. I'm gonna get this out. I was raped when I was 14 and 17." Kai just told him.

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