Playing The Field

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Everyone stood up

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Everyone stood up. Liam pulled the girl onto his lap as she kissed his neck and he kissed her shoulder while playing with the fringe of her outfit.

Kai watched as Mary and Clarisse walk off but she wouldn't follow as Mary could have told her she would have picked Dale so Abi didn't have to pick him.


Kai walked to Liam, Hugo, Teddy and Tyler. She heard Tyler say "I don't think she wants me any more."

"Mate you can't just drop that." Hugo told her. "Felling don't change like that in 24 hours."

"Yeah, but what he won't tell her is making her keep going to Matt, and get to know him more." Kai told them as she leaned into Liam.

"What do you mean?" Teddy asked her, as all of the boys turned to the girl.

"Well, why don't you give Kaz a reason why you coupled up with Clarisse other then I don't know." Kai told them as she looked at Tyler.

"It's out of my hands though now." Tyler told her.

"No it isn't. You hold the ball here, use it to get Kaz back." Kai told him annoyed that he just seemed to not care.

"It seems as though she's starting something with this guy now." Tyler told them.

"Well, do you care about getting her back. Because it seems like you don't care enough to fight for her." Kai told him as she shook her head at him.

"She seems happy with this guy. Seems as though they've overcome their hurdle that they need to overcome, and now they're starting their journey." Tyler told them.

"I genuinely think you need to explore Clarisse." Teddy told him.

"Man you're depressing. Do you want to be with Kaz?" Kai asked him.

"Yes." Tyler told her.

"Well, talk to her, give her the reason of why you did what you did in Casa Amor, and get to know her again. I'm not having Kaz hurt again over you." Kai told him.


"I'm so happy your my boyfriend." Kai told him as they were at the fire pit as they cuddled into each other.

"Well you're my girlfriend, and I'm so happy to hear your speech for me." Liam told her as Kai leaned onto his Chest. "Right now, we're building our relationship like a house. I've built the foundations and the house is taking a piss on the foundations it has."

Kai laughed at his metaphor or their relationship being like a house. "It's gonna be massive. It's gonna be the best house yet." Liam carried on as she giggled at him. "It's gonna be full of love, full of everything."

Liam leaned in and locked lips with Kai for about 20 seconds before they pulled apart and they just hugged with Liam kissing around Kai's shoulder and her neck, knowing she loved it when he did that, especially as it turns her on, but being around him turns Kai on.

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