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𝕄𝕪 𝕓𝕣𝕒𝕚𝕟 𝕚𝕤 𝕤𝕔𝕒𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕖𝕕


TW: anger, arguing, confusion, manipulation, Stockholm syndrome, fear, physical abuse, violence


Y/N was getting more and more scared the longer she followed Shouta inside the house. He didn't say anything to her at all while they were making their way back to Y/N's bedroom. She was getting nervous and terrified, especially because of the look in Shouta's eyes earlier. His smile had been freaking her out, because it just felt off for her. He knew that she had tried to leave.

He knew that she had been trying to escape, and he also knew that she hadn't been able to go through with it. That she was already too broken to leave. Y/N hated that he knew this and that he would probably use it against her. He'd manipulate her even more and there was nothing Y/N could do. She hadn't even managed to leave, even though she was literally already outside.

But then again, if she didn't try and escape, if she didn't try and resist him, wouldn't he lose interest in her? Wouldn't he get bored of her if she didn't give him a challenge? It was making Y/N kind of angry. If she was just a good little girl and always submissive, never questioning anything, he'd hate her. He'd get bored of her and he wouldn't want her, right? He wanted her to do all this so he had an excuse to hurt her over and over again, to break her.

Shouta wanted her completely insane, so he could have more fun with her. Was that why he had been leaving the keys out in plain sight? Did he want her to try and escape, so he could beat her down again, like some sick game? The more Y/N was thinking about it, the more sense it made to her.

He wanted her to give him a reason to break her. And the more she was thinking about it, the angrier it made her. Why did he have to play games like that with her? As if she wasn't already terrified enough... if he cared about her as much as he always claimed, Y/N didn't understand why he would be doing any of this to her. Why couldn't he just have asked her on a date or something?

It didn't make sense, but at least it really distracted Y/N from the fact that she was probably going to get punished heavily. She didn't think about it until they were both back in her room and Shouta was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed and a slightly disappointed look on his face. Y/N sat down on the bed opposite him, crossing her arms as well. She wasn't happy with any of this at all. And if Shouta was going to try and intimidate her, she wasn't going to give in. At least she would try not to give in, not this time, not after she had figured it out.

"So. What were you doing out there? I thought we had a rule about staying in the house. What were you doing outside?" Shouta wanted to know. Y/N could hear from his tone that he had already made up his mind. There was no point for her to even answer that question, so she just kept eye-contact with him. He could go and figure it out himself, if he wanted to know so desperately.

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