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TW: Stockholm syndrome, depression, psychological abuse


𝕐𝕠𝕦'𝕣𝕖 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕒 𝕘𝕙𝕠𝕤𝕥


Y/N felt empty every time she and Shouta went out for long shopping trips. She could handle a few stores, but if they had to do their weekly shopping she was tired out so quickly, it was awful for the last few minutes and on the way home. She wasn't sure what exactly it was that tired her out so much. Maybe it was how overwhelmed she was feeling with everything outside Shouta's house.

There were so many people around today especially and it was loud and it was cold outside. It was a miserable day, but Shouta really wanted her help with the groceries and of course Y/N was going to help him. Still, it was exhausting, physically and mentally. Y/N had known it would get difficult, but she wouldn't have thought it would get this bad. But thankfully, they were just on the way to the last shop for the day and it wasn't like they still needed a lot of things.

They had already been out for such a long time and Y/N was starting to develop a headache that just got worse and worse with every single shop they went to. There were just too many smells, too much noise, too many people. The constant change of temperature from the cold outside to the warm and stuffy shops was too much. Shouta knew that she was tired and he was really trying to get everything done quickly, so they could get back soon, but Y/N felt like she was barely hanging on right now.

She glanced over at Shouta who was driving and looked more relaxed than ever. She had no idea how he managed to pull all this off without yelling at people. He sure looked like he was about to lose his temper half the time, but then he never did and driving somehow always seemed to calm him down somewhat.

Y/N wondered what they'd do once they got home. Shouta was usually fairly tired after doing all the grocery shopping for the week and so was she, so they would often just start a movie and fall asleep in the middle of it. Sometimes they'd have a nice, hot bath together and Y/N was kind of hoping that today was one of those days. It was such a cold and miserable day that Y/N could use a hot bath to relax and unwind. Then again, she was prone to falling asleep during those. During the last few weeks she had almost drowned from that already and Shouta was set on staying with her when she was taking a bath now and making sure that never happened again.

Which wasn't a bad thing. Y/N enjoyed his company and he would usually either get in the bath with her and give her a nice back rub or he would read to her or talk to her and that meant that Y/N could relax even more. It took a little time for her to get used to having someone around while bathing, but now she felt almost anxious doing this on her own. She was so used to having someone around. Even being in the house on her own was getting scarier and scarier.

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