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TW: home invasion, guns, violence, fear, death


𝕄𝕪 𝕕𝕒𝕕𝕕𝕪'𝕤 𝕘𝕠𝕥 𝕒 𝕘𝕦𝕟


Y/N wasn't really sure why she had woken up in the middle of the night. It hadn't been a stressful night and it was also not like it was a stormy night or anything. A stormy night would usually wake her up a few times throughout the night, but tonight it was completely still and quiet and calm. For a few seconds Y/N thought that she just woke up randomly, but then she got a bad gut feeling.

She wasn't hungry or thirsty and she also didn't have to go to the bathroom or anything, but something was off. She rolled over on her side and saw that Shouta was there, sleeping soundly. Y/N frowned to herself. What the hell was wrong? Why was she getting a bad gut feeling? There had to be a reason for this, right? It was unusual for her to wake up randomly in the middle of the night, but it wasn't something that never happened. What had never happened was that she had such a bad feeling around it.

Maybe she just needed to get out of bed for a bit, get a drink of water, even though she wasn't thirsty, and calm down. Maybe she had a bad dream and just couldn't remember it? It seemed unlikely, but who knew. It wasn't impossible, right? Sleep was a weird thing for her anyway. She had no idea how some people could be asleep pretty much all the time. Shouta was always napping when he had time off work and Y/N just didn't get it. She'd feel like she was missing out.

Maybe she just overslept the last few days and was awake now? No, that wasn't it. She still felt really tired and she remembered that she had been basically collapsing from exhaustion the last few days, because she had started deep cleaning the entire house, since it had been a while since she had done that last. There was no way that she simply had gotten enough sleep already.

Y/N stretched and slid out from underneath the covers. She shivered a little when the cold air hit her skin, but she quickly got a hold of herself. She put on a pair of slippers and grabbed her bathrobe that was hanging at the door to the bedroom. She quietly opened the door so she wouldn't wake up Shouta and made her way into the living room. She was going to head into the kitchen, but she remembered that she had left a glass on the living room table.

She quickly grabbed it from there when she heard a noise. Y/N froze. What the hell was that? That didn't sound like one of the noises that the house usually made... This wasn't good. She stood frozen with the glass in her hands and listened. There were footsteps and something that faintly sounded like people talking to each other. There was someone else in the house.

A cold shiver ran down Y/N's spine as she realized it. She knew she should be doing something, but she had no idea what to do. Wake Shouta? Maybe. That was if she could make it back without being noticed. Maybe she should just hide and hope for the best? Call the police? No... She couldn't call the police, she didn't have a phone. And she couldn't get out of the house, because they were right by the door now. They would probably come into the living room any second and find her standing there with an empty glass in her hands. This was bad.

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