Fifty Three

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Wednesday, August 14, 2024
Shawn Carter's Residence
Los Angeles, California
8:45 am

"Shit," Jay cursed as he finished and pulled out of Beyoncé.

They both laid on their backs and breathed heavily as they tried to catch their breath.

They had been in a really good place after Jay had forgiven Beyoncé, and it was safe to say that they were back to their normal selves. Obviously, they'd gone back to their normal activities.

"I needed to be up an hour ago," Jay said as he looked at the clock on his nightstand.

"And I needed some dick an hour ago, so thanks for that," Beyoncé joked.

Jay chuckled lightly as he got out of the bed and made his way to the bathroom.

He had to go see his lawyer because Gabrielle had decided to drop the lawsuit after she realized that Jay wasn't lying about revealing her past. He just needed to sign a few papers, and it would all be over.

Jay quickly took a shower and put on some clothes.

"I'll be back soon," he said as he walked out of his closet.

"Alright, I'll call the realtor and see what she's saying about the house," Beyoncé said as she sat up and watched him sit on the edge of the bed next to her.

They had decided to move in together before they knew that she was pregnant. They'd found the perfect house that had everything on both their wishlists.

It had enough room for them and however many kids they wanted to have in the future as well as guests.

They would be closing the deal by the end of the week and hoped to be finished moving by the end of the month.

"I love you," she said with her lips poked out for a kiss.

"I love you too Dumbo," he chuckled before he pecked her lips.

"No, I thought you'd let that die," she laughed.

"Never. I know you secretly love it ma," he laughed.

"I don't. When we get married, I will kill you if you say that in your vows," she told him.

"What's got you thinking about marriage?" Jay asked her.

"I'm pregnant with your child. You better be thinking about marriage too. I'm not going to be your baby mama for the rest of my life. You were gonna marry Gabrielle, and she treated you like shit," she told him.

He laughed and nodded his head in agreement.

"Don't play dumb Shawn. We basically live together, and I do your laundry half of the time. I found your grandmother's ring in your pocket. Don't even try to lie about it. I know your mom gave it to you to propose to me with when we were in Texas," Beyoncé told him.

"Shit," he cursed himself.

"Don't feel bad. I was suspicious about your private conversation with your mom and my mom, and I knew you were lying to me about it. I would've gone looking for it anyway," she said.

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